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My friend and I are leaving Glasgow in December to do our WHV in Perth. We're stopping for 3 nights in Hong Kong as well.


Any advice for us before we go? Anything would be useful! :D



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Have a amazing time! Are you planning on doing your 2nd year aswell. Are you doing it through BUNAC, i think they were the ones that give you stop over in HK.


I havent been so dont really have any advice as such but people say try do your 3 months rural work asap (if your doing it) and dont be too fussy about what work you do

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Yeah we are planning on doing a second year, cannot wait!


We're travelling with British airways down to London then flying with Cathay pacific to Hong Kong, never travelled with them before so hopefully they will be good, have read some reviews of the airline and all seems good :)


Cant wait! Counting down the days now (literally!) :D

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Yeah we are planning on doing a second year, cannot wait!


We're travelling with British airways down to London then flying with Cathay pacific to Hong Kong, never travelled with them before so hopefully they will be good, have read some reviews of the airline and all seems good :)


Cant wait! Counting down the days now (literally!) :D


You should have a amazing time! I think we have a member on here who's a pilot for cathay! Should be fine with them.


Sure your time will fly in! Ive recently decided to try and save up to go aswell but i think my trip would be a lot later than december.


Theres quite a lot of members who have been on WHV so hopefully they'll have some advice for you. :)

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Anywhere that has the cheapest flight lol. I still havent decided wether to definitely go, i need to choose between going or going to college but im desperate to visit aus. Not sure how long it'll take me to save up either! Ive got a temp job the now so going to start a savings account but probably wont be the full amount needed so most likely have to wait till next year

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My friend and I are leaving Glasgow in December to do our WHV in Perth. We're stopping for 3 nights in Hong Kong as well.


Any advice for us before we go? Anything would be useful! :D



I would just make sure you have a few copies of each of your documents, keep one at home in the uk incase something goes wrong and you lose your documents etc you never know when something might get stolen so just be cautious. Also write down in a notepad all your numbers and addresses and visa numbers, insurance contacts etc just incase your bag does get stolen, it's unlikely that you won't but you'll be needing all those contacts if **** does happen, always keep this notepad on you.


Don't pack loads of clothes because you'll only use half the things that are in your suitcase. Take lots of suncream and toiletries because they're cheaper in the UK.


Have locks for your bags/suitcases. Don't forget the codes lol.


Start looking and applying for jobs a week or two before you go, some are advertised a few months in advance even fruit picking work. Don't be fussy about work just get whatever you can. And you can always WWOOF this is a scheme where you work in exchange for food and accom and is a good and cheap way of travelling and seeing the country and meeting some nice aussies!


We stayed in the regal airport hotel in hong kong and it was great but we only stopped for 12 hours so just enough to sleep, wish we had stopped for a few days so do loads of exploring in HK and tell me what's good :laugh: cathay pacific they are FINE apart from the seats weren't very comfortable in comparison to Singapore Airlines. But don't let that worry you the flight doesn't last forever and you'll be too excited about aus to worry about things like that. Drink plenty of water on the flight though :yes:


Perth in december is HOT, just so you know, you won't realise how hot til you're walking through the city in it, but PErth is great i spent two weeks there so if you want any recommendations just let me know.

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Just go out there and enjoy it! Job hunting isn't too hard if you've got some experience in anything. Pay over there is pretty good too, on average about $20 an hour which is good, and you get paid weekly with most jobs. If you want to do the regional work try and get it out the way as early as possible as you won't be stressing to get the farm work.

You'll meet loads of people in hostels and with work and stuff, there's heaps of backpackers around and everyone is in the same boat so it's easy to make friends. I made loads when I was there gonna go visit a couple of them in finland soon too.

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