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Visa during PhD thesis examination


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Hi all


My 574 visa expires in September 2013.


I have recently submitted my PhD thesis and wish to stay in Australia till the thesis is marked which should take beyond September 2013.


Do I have to do something to extend my student visa now? Should I apply for a new student visa?


I tried https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/visas/applyNow.do?form=SFS and it does not accept my CoE number and DIAC advised me to use the paper form.


I considered the http://www.immi.gov.au/visas/students/485/ options but I don't qualify for Graduate Work stream (due to age > 31 yrs) and Post-Study Work stream (because I got my student visa before Nov 2011 in 2009).


I want to apply for PR but am not sure if my ACS assessment will come before Sep 2013.


What is my best bet?


Thanks in advance



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