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Moving to Perth end of the year - Any Advice?

James Parry

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Hey there,


I'm coming over to Oz at the end of 2013 for a Working Holiday Visa to live with my uncle!


I'm currently waiting for my uncle to buy a new house before I can come over. (Hate the waiting!)


Does anyone have any useful hints/tips or advice they could offer me? (Driving licenses/ working on farms or vineyards outside of Perth?)


Any info would be much appreciated!


Cheers :)

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Hi James


What are you hoping to do while you're in Australia? Will you be staying in Perth the whole time? Looking for a long term job? Getting out to do your regional work?


You can drive on your UK licence while on a WHV so just make sure you take it with you! Perth drivers are notoriously terrible, although having been back in the UK 3 weeks, British drivers are just as bad!


I spent the majority of my first WHV in Perth and I'm heading back out soon for my second year. Some say it's boring but I love it, depends what you;re after I suppose.


have you made any plans yet?

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Hi James


What are you hoping to do while you're in Australia? Will you be staying in Perth the whole time? Looking for a long term job? Getting out to do your regional work?


You can drive on your UK licence while on a WHV so just make sure you take it with you! Perth drivers are notoriously terrible, although having been back in the UK 3 weeks, British drivers are just as bad!


I spent the majority of my first WHV in Perth and I'm heading back out soon for my second year. Some say it's boring but I love it, depends what you;re after I suppose.


have you made any plans yet?


Hi Laura,


Initially I want to do some sort of farming/ fruit picking for the first three months. I don't plan on staying in Perth the whole time, I'd like to do some travelling too! Although, if there was an opportunity for a long term job/ possible chance of staying for good - I'd snatch it up.


Oh really? I thought I could only drive for 3 months on my UK license! Thats good :)


Oh I see, whats so great about Perth then? :)


My plans aren't solid as of yet. I'm still trading emails with my uncle who is looking at houses in "Morley"? I believe. I should be out there by November if things are sorted on his end!



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If you're wanting to do the farm work to qualify for a second year WHV then you'll have to get out of the city. The good news is that the whole of WA except Perth metro area qualifies as rural so you won't be too restricted. Albany on the south coast is beautiful and Coral Bay and Broome further north are great spots too. Never really ventured far from the coast tbh.


What I like about Perth is how easy it is to have quite a nice life. I'm not talking about living in a mansion and living like a king but just the general standard of living is pretty good. It's bloody expensive though until you start earning dollars and stop converting everything to pounds! Beaches are fantastic, really good restaurants, nice bars, loads of outdoor activities, fitness stuff etc. Really friendly people, I made good friends quickly and a real mixed bunch they are too.


It can be quiet though, most definitely not a 24hour city! The supermarkets only just got round to Sunday trading last year which I found very strange to begin with! If it's the party scene you're after then in my experience the East coast has that more 'backpacky' vibe.


I guess it's all down to personal experience though - downside of Perth is all the bloody poms! ;)

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Ah I see, I expected as much! Would I have to ask the employer beforehand if the work qualifies for a second year on the Visa?


I've heard its bloody expensive! But I'm prepared for that. My uncle has told me that clothes in Perth are either poor quality and really cheap, or high quality and stupidly expensive - with no in between :/ Is that true to an extent? The outdoor sides of things really appeals to me, I quite like the sound of Perth already ^^


I do go out drinking quite a lot..But I'm sure Perth isn't any worse than my city. If anything the nightlife will be a bonus! Haha.


Oh God I know, causing trouble everywhere they go :P

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Ah I see, I expected as much! Would I have to ask the employer beforehand if the work qualifies for a second year on the Visa?


Don't take their word for it. Research yourself as to what is on the list and will count toward your 2nd year WHV. And ensure you get it properly documented for the visa application later on when you make it.


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I arrived in Perth at end of April, me and another traveller found it very difficult to get work, mainly they wanted residents for things we applied for which meant we spent 6 weeks chasing work. Ended up getting some work out of the city towards regional. Also further south like Margaret River managed to get some work, but that will be seasonal.


Ive come over to Sydney, only really to travel, and by chance i applied for a job, and was offered it in my first week of being here. And seems to be alot of work around compared to what i remember seeing when was job hunting in Perth.


Maybe I just got lucky here and unlucky in Perth lol!



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Perth is OK to go out, its just expensive but there are plenty of bars and clubs and places to eat expensive or cheap.

What most people moan about here is the expense or at least lack of service for the money you are paying

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