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Offer Letter Signed and Accepted *yeah*


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Well after 2 years filled with dreams, disappointments and "so close but not quite there" scenarios, I signed my official offer letter that will get us to Sydney. Now it's just a matter of "crossing the Ts and dotting the Is" for our 457 and to say I'm a little excited (and scared) would be an understatement.


Just wanted to say a quick thanks to all for the forum and all the information. Very much appreciated, needed and really useful... and will continue to be so! :D


So now, will hold my breath again and cross my fingers for the final hurdle! :)


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Thank you everyone for the well wishes... and of course complications have already started! But we are knuckling down and will see them through (that's the positive American in me, my husband on the other hand is the skeptical Englishman waiting for the other shoe to drop!)... Give me strength!

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