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In two minds


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Hi all..

I'm new to this forum so sorry if its in the wrong area or wat not.. I'm a 21 year old lad

basically I planned to go to Melbourne with my pal late October but he has backed out because of money an I'm just wondering if its normal for people to travel on there own like i dont know whether i will meet new people an that.. I do have friends dotted round Australia but not close friends so I cudnt ask to stay with them or anything,. I would be quite happy going on my own just because how much I want to go..is it best to book into a hostel for a couple weeks for when I get there?? (if I go) ... I will have around 3-4k to take with me but would be looking for work pretty much straight away .. Also if any1 knows a good airline to fly with that relatively cheap for that time of year and which place would be a good starting point?..



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i'm going to Melbourne in September with a friend but to be honest from what I hear we are the minority haha. Most people head out there on there own so there is nothing to worry about.


Im planning on taking about the same amount of money as you and am booking the first 10 days for when we get there. Got 2 weeks at Christmas booked up in Sydney too as its expensive and very busy time. We're going with singapore airlines, who are meant to be excellent and it was a brill price. However, I have flown with Qantas and Emerates before and the were both excellent.


Eh, at that time of year ur better starting in either NSW or further south as its the rainy season up north and it will just be coming into summer down south.


Anything else I can help u with let me know :)

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Ahh yeah thanks for the reply.. Have you been before?.. Yeah i heard Sydney is good around Xmas an new year..

im gonna be booking my flight next couple weeks then I can start sorting out where exactly I wana go and stuff.. Just wish November would hurry up an come to be honest :)

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Guest The Pom Queen

Welcome to the forum. There are a number of members on here who did it alone. You will be fine especially when you get in to the first hostel this is where you will find many people in the same position as yourself. Sydney is lovely and a great place to spend Christmas and New Year. From November until May stay South then come back up North for the dry season and great weather in Cairns and Darwin

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Going alone you'll be fine, will have a better chance of going and doing stuff with other people too in some regards as you won't be relying on someone else to come along. Go for it! I had the a great time out there on my own!

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thanks for the replies everyone.. glad to know alot of people do go on there own :) just gonna book a hostel for the first couple of weeks then see where it takes me after that

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Go on your own!! I arrived alone two weeks ago & I'm very content already! I flew with China Southern, my flight was £400 it was hellish because I couldn't sleep, but oh well! You get what you pay for and it's only one day of your life!

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I booked in a hostel for the first 3 nights & shared with some strange girls, none of them spoke to me and didn't respond when I asked stuff, like if I asked to turn on the air con they'd just ignore me... I'm sure there are lovely people in hostels though!! Most people seem to make a lot of friends in them.

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Haha sorry to hear about that hostel lol.. I'm sure most of them are ok of what I've heard anyway.. Where about in oz are ya? Did u have much planned before u went?


I'm in Sydney, didn't have a single thing booked or planned apart from my visa & plane ticket, which I bought about 4 weeks before I left! I have a vague idea of what I want to do, the usual stuff like scuba diving, sky diving that kind of thing but no money to do it yet!!

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I'm in a similar situation and now sooo unsure about what to do! my sister has backed out due to health and financial reasons yet im working really hard and saving so it seems a shame for me to give up now. But I have no idea where to start and im scared of travelling alone. So yeah, any advice/tips would be fab.

Cheers Kaz x

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Yeah kitkaz I think we're both in the same boat .. My visa runs out in march but I'm looking to go November ..

u thought about when and where u wana go?..

Ghostgirl have u found much luck with finding a job?

Thats probly my biggest worry like not finding work

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Yeah kitkaz I think we're both in the same boat .. My visa runs out in march but I'm looking to go November ..

u thought about when and where u wana go?..

Ghostgirl have u found much luck with finding a job?

Thats probly my biggest worry like not finding work



I have had 3 interviews so far, the company I worked for in Englad have sites over here & they seem quite keen on me, in fact at one interview they said they thought I could do better & offered me an interview for a better job! I reckon they think I'm better than what I actually am haha ;) I came at a good time, it's winter here I think most people come in summer so there are more jobs available now.

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Think im gonna head to Melbourne as my sister has friends out there so hopefully they'll help me out a little. Also planning to head out end of Oct/early Nov. Im sure once I make some sort of plan i'll be fine :) goodluck x x

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