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Chef jobs in Brisbane


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Happy to move, about to apply for visas etc just would love to know is it realistic to go without a job planned?

I have trawled the Internet and on seek.com.au alone for full time jobs in Brisbane there are over 200 jobs advertised. If applying nearer the time do you think that its realistic to think within a few weeks of moving (if not before) he could land a job?


Happy to hear all opinions ;)

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We go in August :biggrin: No jobs as yet :eek:


OH has been applying for chef jobs (head chef not sure if that makes a difference) for the last few weeks. Some haven't replied, others have and said that because he is still in the UK the application is not going any further.

He has been contacted by 2 agencies though, for more details from him such as when we arrive, where we will be living, how far he is willing to travel etc.


I've just put it down to catering in the UK usually having a high turnover staff, I'm assuming that Oz would be similar, and they can fill the roles with onshore people.

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There are loads of jobs for chefs and cooks in brisbane. There is little point applying before you arrive as most positions employers want filled ASAP so even if you are a great applicant you are going to be weeks away before you are ready to start work. They generally will want to see you face to face and have a trial before you are offered the job. A lot will depend on the type of visa you are on and whether you are prepared to work in a regional area. I must shamelessly admit my wife runs her own migration agency and recruitment firm in Brisbane and she does a lot of work in hospitality so I know a fair bit about it all. Also you need to ensure your cvs are written in an Australian format and also make sure you have photos of your creations. It never ceased to amaze me how many job seekers who have a creative skill do not show off their creations - hope this helps

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That is brilliant information from you both, thank you so much.


Would you be able to tell me a few more things, does my husband qualifications transfer over or is there some others certificates he needs?

I hope I have got this correct but he said a skilled sponsored regional visa ? 489 I think. Is that what you mean?


The thing stopping us is we would only have 4 months worth of money if we had no jobs, then that is all our money gone!

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