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Which VISA


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I'm sorry if this has been repeated.


Could you please help us on which Visa is best for us.


My husband works as a Chef (current been with employer for 7 years, Chef for 16 years) - we would want to focus on his career.


I currently work for a call center (lifeline emergency calls), worked in nursing homes etc while children were babies. Before the younger children i am part qualified with accounts (AAT Level 2 & 3) i lack confidence in this but feel i am a good book keeper (also payroll computerized accounts).


We would like to sell here and move abroad for several years/permanent.


We have family in Australia but not immediate (3rd cousins in effect).


Thanks in advance

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I don't think that there will be visa options with you as main applicant so would focus on your OH. Have you looked into skilled migration? That is the 190 or 489 visa, I believe you will need a state sponsor nod your OH would need to pass points test and skills assessment.

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I'm sorry if this has been repeated.


Could you please help us on which Visa is best for us.


My husband works as a Chef (current been with employer for 7 years, Chef for 16 years) - we would want to focus on his career.


I currently work for a call center (lifeline emergency calls), worked in nursing homes etc while children were babies. Before the younger children i am part qualified with accounts (AAT Level 2 & 3) i lack confidence in this but feel i am a good book keeper (also payroll computerized accounts).


We would like to sell here and move abroad for several years/permanent.


We have family in Australia but not immediate (3rd cousins in effect).


Thanks in advance


Take a look at SkillSelect 190 (can be found at http://www.immi.gov.au/), you are probably looking at Skilled Independent or Employer sponsored visas. As you have kids I would suggest that if you are eligible for a skilled independent there is potentially more security in obtaining a permanent visa rather than temporary (and it can be harder to find employers willing to sponsor for PR in the first instance).


Looking at the skilled independent options you should look at the following:

- can you meet the points test details of the requirements can be found at (http://www.immi.gov.au/ - I also have a points calculator on my web site http://www.TaylorMadeImmigration/PointsCalculator)

- do your husbands qualifications and experience meet the requirement for a positive skills assessment


Good luck


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