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Defacto partners visa questions???


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Hi there.


My Australian citizen girlfriend and I want to apply for the Defacto partnership Visa and was hoping you guys could help me with a few questions.

1. We are currently in New Zealand and where planing on going to Aus to apply for the visa,I was going to go initially on a tourist visa. Is this a bad idea? how long are the prosessing times for applying on and offshore? heard it is quicker if you apply from ofshore.

2. would I be able to work when the bridging visa is granted?

3.Do you think it's best to use a migration agent?

Am still a bit confused about the whole process so it would be great if anyone has advice on the best way to go about getting all this done as quickly and painlessly as possible!


thanks alot.

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Welcome to PIO


1. If going in tourist visa you can only apply onshore if you do not have 8503 condition attached to your visa. Onshore can be over 12 months processing offshore around 9 months. Some time have seen onshore applications being processed very quickly?? There is no logic to it.


2. Now when you apply for partner visa onshore you are given work right since bridging visa a kicks in lone the tourist visa expires. You can't work while still on tourist visa even if you have lodged your application.


3. Most people do partner visas themselves but worth speaking to a RMA if you have any concerns regarding application or have issues providing evidence required to prove the 12 months defacto relationship before applying.

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There is a risk that tourist visas (particularly 12 month ones) may have condition 8503 applied (No Further Stay) which means you cannot apply for a visa onshore. If that condition is not applied, you can.

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Guest GeorgeD
There is a risk that tourist visas (particularly 12 month ones) may have condition 8503 applied (No Further Stay) which means you cannot apply for a visa onshore. If that condition is not applied, you can.


You would be off your head to go on a 12 month visa and apply immediately. If you need some of the time to build up time as a defacto then fine, but now you would be best to go on a 3 month visa and apply so that the Bridging Visa A with work rights kicks in after 3 months wait (when the tourist visa ends)...if you are on a 12 month visa you don't get the BVA until the end of the visa as well, so you have a much longer wait as a tourist.


If it is your first tourist visa and you're from a Low Risk country there is very little chance you'll have the No Further Stay condition on your tourist visa. If you have been in and out of Oz repeatedly in the last few years, then there is a much higher chance you'll get the NFS condtion.

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Thanks guys, I checked my 3 month tourist visa conditions and there was nothing about 8503

Please can you help me with on more question. In terms of proving the relationship has been more than 12 months, My girlfried and i have been traveling for the last 14 months so we don't have much proofe of being together, do you think it would be alright to show them copys of our passports showing we visted the same countries at the same time along with a few Australian friends statements sayingwe have been together for that period? or what else could we give them? photo's maby?

any advive appreciated.

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Travel itineraries (flights/trains/buses) for both of you, showing that you've been travelling together for 14 months

Money being transferred between your accounts

Hotel bookings where one of you have booked (evidence: booking confirmation) and one has paid (evidence bank statement); esp if it notes that it's a double room etc

Travel Insurance - did you get a joint policy?

Car insurance/car hire?

Did you have mail sent to the same addresses while you have been away?


You might also want to think about evidence that provides an insight into you actually being a couple. A lot of the evidence listed above could just be for two mates who have been travelling together for 14 months. They don't provide a picture of you both living "like a married couple-without the bit of paper".


You will need a lot more than copies of stamps in your passports and stat decs from your friends. Have a trawl through this forum and you'll get an idea of the amount and type of evidence that DIAC require for a defacto application.


Good luck with it!

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