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Great News and thanks everybody


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Just wanted to say a big thanks to all you lovely people who really know how to put your feelings into great words.

We have officially sold our Aussie home now !!!

And are in the process of booking removals and flights within the next week.

I am absolutly jumping for joy, can't believed how relieved and happy I am!!!!

The site over the last few months has been such a comfort and a relief to know I am not alone and yes I am not totally mad for longing to go back home....(UK)

As so many people have told me how crazy I must be, to leave a dream home we've built here, to have no chance of an equiverlent back in the UK,(as here in oz) they just don't understand. I don't care ha ha

How they think it must be so great for it to be hot and sunny everyday !!!

I'm not sure how our return will be, but I know family and good fiends have wished us all the best and have been totally behind our decision, which is great.

And at the end of the day I'm taking a few things we liked in oz back with us.

It has not been all bad, but really ready to go home.

Can't wait hope to be home begining of July :biggrin:

Thanks again everybody

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Hi MJ,congrats on the home sale.You're not crazy,you know where you want to be and that sounds pretty sensible to me!Best of luck on your return!xx (Those who think you're crazy either havent lived in Oz or if in Oz have probably never lived anywhere else!They need compassion lol x

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Fabulous news!


I echo your thoughts and feelings about this site and the support and encouragement people have given.


Good luck with all the bookings, packing and organising. We had a break through the other night, thanks to a large storm, the dog decided he felt safe enough to sleep in his crate overnight! Now we just have to get him used to the door being shut!!!



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Wow, it's been a week of it - I think that's three of us confirmed sold this week. I know 100% how you feel, we have an incredible house here that was sustainably designed to meet our precise needs, we're moving back to a 3-bed semi that doesn't even have a garage (& we have 6 bikes including a tandem!)


And we're moving back to Scotland! The weather couldn't really be more different - hard to believe it is considered a temperate zone!!


I do believe my life back in Scotland will be better as a result of this, at times, difficult journey. Time will tell :)

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