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De facto visa medical - antidepressants


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I have applied for a de facto visa with my Australian partner (I'm British). We've been living together in the UK for the last 18 months and I think we have sent enough evidence for that side of things. Today I had my medical and it all went fine except I am currently taking 20mg citalopram for mild depression. I am absolutely fine at the moment, fully functional, never seen a psychiatrist or had a diagnosis and never taken a day off work because of it. I started taking them originally in Jan 2012, stopped once and started again since then. Even though the panel doctor didn't seem too worried, I'm really panicking now! I know there have been some other very similar threads and fingers crossed it seems that this won't ruin my chances. But I was wondering if anyone could tell me exactly what happens if they ask for more information. Will they contact me directly to arrange this or does the GP get a request and send it back without me seeing whats been written? I'm worried that a report from the GP will be too negative as I always see a different one when I go so I don't feel like any of them know my situation very well! I have also read that some people have got a report from a private consultant to speed up the process. Does anyone know how much I can expect to pay if I go private?

So sorry for all the questions, would really appreciate to hear from anyone who has been in a similar situation!

Thank you :)

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Really don't worry at all as I've been there. I was asked to arrange a psychological assessment which cost around 300 dollars. I think it may be just standard practice. I think it is only a problem if if the depression is very debilitating .

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You shouldn't worry at all. As others have said, anti-depressants are basically handed out like candy, and are so widespread that it's no longer unusual to be taking them.


Many people have never been asked about their use of anti-depressants, and I don't expect you to be any different. You may not even get referred is the panel doctor got enough information about your symptoms.


If that's all you're worried about from your medical, then you don't need to worry at all. Even if you're referred it will likely just be a formality. It's far more important to not let it get to you because the medicals are usually the last step before being granted your visa, and once that happens the flood gates open and you'll have plenty of things that will stress you out so just relax while you can!

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Thank you so much everyone for your replies! I am feeling much calmer about it now and more positive. I will just wait and see what happens and try not to worry, hopefully they will not ask for more information and I won't need to part with yet more money! It's just reassuring to know that others have been in similar situations and not had any trouble.

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1)Your medical will be referred because of the anti- depression. I liked your honesty.

2)You will need to do see a psychological assessment by a specialist psychiatrist which will cost several hundred dollars.

3)the psychiatrist will writet a report which cost also several hundred dollars.

4)psychiatrist will send that to global health , once the report is reached to the global health, the MOC will write a clerance and your health exam report will be live in the system and the CO can see that.

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You don't need to worry as this won't be an exclusion to you getting a visa, there was someone who posted a couple of years back who got asked to see a psychiatrist for a report - they had a one off appointment (paid private) and the report was written and they got their visa.

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