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Lost In a Pile of Paperwork


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My wife and i are in the very early statges of looking into emigrating. We are trying to read and take in as much information as possible just now but are struggling on where to start...any pointers?


My wife is a Maths Teacher here in Scotland and she would be the visa applicant, we are hoping to apply for an employer sponsored visa, but are really lost at the moment.


I have got in touch with a few agents but don't know if they are good or bad...can anyone recommend any? is it an essential to have an agent?


We have looked into the different stages of emigration process and are trying to find out as much as possible before we start the process, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!



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HI, welcome. You dont need an agent its possible to do it yourself if you take the time read everything , ask here for help if you get stuck etc. We did our visa ourselves, it was mainly a paper collecting excercise, my girlfriend is a teacher as well so there is a lot of extra hoops to jump through and more paperwork to get registered with the state in which you wish to teach. I am not sure if it will be possible to get an employer sponsored visa, everyone has been telling me on here that its very difficult to get a teaching job in Australia at the moment. However Maths is one of the subjects apparently in demand.

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First thing you need to do if you havent already is make sure she did 4 years of University in order to become a teacher. 3 year Maths degree and one year PGCE, you need the 4 years at uni to qualify as a teacher in Australia. Even if you have years of experience if you went through one of the learn on the job programs you cant teach in Australia

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You're finding the sad truth they don't tell you in the instructions. The actual trigger for issuing you a visa is when the pile of paper work reaches the same height as you.


More seriously, we did our own application without an agent--I got a spouse visa then PR for myself and our young (under 3) son. I suspect the spouse visa is easier than one tied to work but, as daunting as things looked, we found just working through the form question by question and carefully reading the guidance notes got us there in the end.

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Thanks for the replies my wife did a 4 year degree mathematics and financial economics followed by a year PGCE,and has worked for 6 years at a state school in Scotland.


There seems to be lots of help on the Internet as long as you read and re read everything I think we'd manage without an expensive agent....well hopefully anyway!!


Is there any websites/forums that you could recommend us looking at?

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Thanks for the replies my wife did a 4 year degree mathematics and financial economics followed by a year PGCE,and has worked for 6 years at a state school in Scotland.


There seems to be lots of help on the Internet as long as you read and re read everything I think we'd manage without an expensive agent....well hopefully anyway!!


Is there any websites/forums that you could recommend us looking at?


Hi and welcome to PIO.


Do you have an idea of the State you would want to move to? At the bottom of these forum pages you will see links to other State specific forums, you may find these helpful as rules and regulations, not to mention property costs and the standard of living does vary from State to State.

It is a few years ago now since we applied for visa but i remember the paper trail well,lol and really don't envy you. Migrating is definitely a stressful time,lol. We did use an agent (Visa Bureau) and i can say they were worth their weight in gold, forums like this weren't as popular back then so we didnt have half the advice and help available as now. Feel free to post any questions and we will all do our best to help, we even have some agents who often give free advice out if you take a look at the Migration section.


Cal x

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We did ours ourselves (under the old 175 visa) not sure of the process nowadays but I went through and made a list of who needed copies of what and whether they needed to be certified or not, so that I could minimise trips to the JoP chappie who did ours. Check twice the order things need to happen in; for us it was IELTS first, then skills assessment (incl transcript from Uni they had to find in the archives) then police checks from UK and Dubai (involving bank orders in US$ which needed ordering in advance and collecting before recorded delivery posting to Dubai) then dragging all 4 kids to the medicals .....

However - I would say it is all worth it - we've been in VIC for 9 months now and I'd say we are just starting to feel a bit settled and we're getting the first traces of Aussie accents for the kids :-D

Keep going - logic and preparation will get you through!

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Hi there, just to let you know that you can use an agent just for the tricky parts ie getting your job/qualifications assessed :-) then do the rest yourself. When we applied we went through state sponsorship. We used an agent for the assessment then did the sponsorship and actual visa application ourselves, saving thousands of pounds in the process :-)

​goodluck, you can do it!!!

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