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Shipping a push bike


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Hi there,


Just wondered if anyone has had any experience of shipping a push bike to Australia? We're not planning on transporting anything else other than ourselves and a couple of suitcases each. We're weighing up the pros and cons of either selling our 2 push bikes before we leave or having them shipped over. Has anyone any idea of the cost of doing this? We're yet to properly look into this, but thought I'd ask about other people's experiences first. Any advice gratefully received! Thanks very much x

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Hi we had a really bad experience with a shipping company that has now gone bust and isn't trading ( don't worry) but the actual process of shipping our bikes was easy. Our bikes ( especially my OH's were worth a fair bit so to us were worth sending. They came out the other side undamaged and fine. There are so many fantastic cycle routes here and many cycle shops so you will be spoilt for choice. If your cycles aren't worth a great deal then it may not be worth bringing them .

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Thanks very much for your fast reply and advice! Our bikes weren't cheap and the cycle shop said they were generally expected to be 'bikes for life' (they're the Dutch brand 'Gazelle') so it seems a good idea to ship rather than sell for a loss. Plus (at the risk of sounding a bit sad) you get attached to a bike so we'd probably miss them if we left them behind! Do you have any idea of the cost of shipping bikes? Thanks again for your help x

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I agree your bikes become part if you. I'm sorry I don't have an idea of costs as ours were part if a bigger shipment but we shipped 10 boxes a telly 2 bikes and a toolbox for £600 . Hopefully someone will come along for a better answer but don't be afraid to ring around for quotes must shippers know not to be too pushy! Good luck !

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We have shipped 4 bikes as we are a family of 4!! not very expensive bikes but as we were doing a container and bikes are in good condition we sent them!!! all I did was wash them to make sure not a spot of mud on them and then sprayed Jeyes fluid over them it stinks but when the removal guys came round they said they had never seen such clean bikes!!! as at the other end they will check to make sure you have took every step to ensure they have been properly cleaned... Good luck

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I shipped my push bike. I purchased a secondhand cycle suitcase from ebay uk, It's the hard abs plastic type, for £40. Then took in on our BA flight as 'sports equipment'. It cost me £134 to take it on the plane with me (in the hold). If you do this, remember to deflate the tyres. it is worth brining your bikes here. As the choice of bikes is not as good, and they cost more here.

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Definitely ship them, it can be done quite reasonably and bikes (good ones) are very expensive here. My 500 quid commuting road hack would cost me at least $1400 to buy in Aus


There are so many fantastic cycle routes here


​Depends where you are going. In Sydney they are useless

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Definitely ship them, it can be done quite reasonably and bikes (good ones) are very expensive here. My 500 quid commuting road hack would cost me at least $1400 to buy in Aus




​Depends where you are going. In Sydney they are useless


That's a shame here in Perth they are fantastic. All purpose built off the road and many two laned.

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Definitely ship them, it can be done quite reasonably and bikes (good ones) are very expensive here. My 500 quid commuting road hack would cost me at least $1400 to buy in Aus


I agree, I priced up a beach cruiser as a second bike. From a well known American brand. Made in china of course. It was $600 here (£400). The exact same bike. Current model year. Is available in the UK for £250. So, bring your bike, your car, your dog, your cloths..... Etc

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Cycle lanes are great in Perth, everyone cycles so bring them, also a good way to see around the city and beyond. I shipped mine, just washed the tyres with disinfectant and let the packers sort the rest.


Bring your bike as there very expensive here but if you have a mountain bike at home you may find it a bit slow here, people tend to ride road bikes, either flat bar or full on race bikes so buy something in the UK before you pack your container and ship it. Anti puncture tape to put in your tyres is worth while too.


One tip is that second hand things here are almost asking price especially for things like bikes so you might as well bring what you have even if it isnt perfect but if you intend on cycling once here then do yourself a favour and buy new at home and ship (a road bike with lager wheels).


That pretty much applies to everything though, if I had my time again I would even ship cleaning stuff, cloths and T towels etc... everything is a lot more here so why not save yourself heart ache and money and ship it all. The cost of shipping isnt that much compared to the cost of buying on the other side. why spend all your hard earned on bl**dy cleaning stuff or boring items etc...

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