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question re: job for hubby


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Hi everyone,


I am in the process of sorting out my skills assessment for nursing as we want to make the move to Melbourne or Adelaide. We are going with me as main applicant on a 189 visa, due to age my husband wont qualify. He is an economic development officer for local government and has had 30 years experience of town planning/economic development strategies etc. He is 56 and I was wondering if anyone knew about his prospects? His role is on the SOL with mine.


Thanks in anticipation!!


Nicky xx:smile:

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Well, you don't need him to be on the list, but nor should the list be taken as a true area of shortage. There are a fair number of roles on there that have a lot of people struggling to find work. I would look at seek.com.au to see what the job situation is like. You should be aware that ageism is at least as bad in Oz as the UK. You also need to factor in qualifications, as Oz is VERY driven by having the right bit of paper.

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It doesn't matter whether his role is on the SOL or not, not if you are going to be the main applicant. I think the best way to look upon the job situation for your OH, is that it would probably be much the same as trying to find a new job in UK at age 56. In that it is perfectly possible, but there is ageism in the world and it gets harder.

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Thanks for you replies, there are lots of jobs advertised so we will see what happens when we get there, lucky for him I am going to be the breadwinner so no pressure for him to work!lol. He has a degree in town planning, fingers crossed for something to come his way.

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