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Help with Visa application


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Hi all!

Can anyone please recommend a reasonably priced company to help with our Visa application. We think we may need help as our situation is not straight forward. My parter and I are engaged but not yet married, we have a 15 month old daughter together and I have a 10 year old daughter from a previous marriage. Obviously we plan to get married but would it make the application more straight forward if we married before making the application? Or, does the fact that we have a daughter together simplify things anyone? Also, there is obviously also the issue of obtaining permission from the father of my eldest daughter. We would be going out on my partner's Visa, he is a plater/welder and has worked in Oz before so knows what to expect in that respect.


Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated - any rough idea of how much help with the Visa application costs would also be appreciated.


Thank you very much!!


Roberta, Allan and girls :smile:

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The fact you are not married shouldn't make things difficult. You will just be asked for evidence of the relationship such as joint bank accounts, bills with both names on etc. We even used photos of us together on holiday.




although you have a child together this is not evidence alone. You basically need to prove you're in a

a committed relationship which is on going. Very stormy is right aabout documents. We produced a 32 page PDF covering every detail of our defacto relationship (if you're in a relationship, living together, not married) this included; statements from us and our family and friends, photos (not hundreds), flight Stubbs, passport stamps (photocopies) official correspondence, letter from bank. We covered

5 years as I tthought being in a gay relationship we had more to prove. Realistically you just need 12 months I think prior to the visa application. When it comes to bills, you don't need to both be on the same letter so long as your both covered at the address. Shared financial responsibility I believe they call it. I'm on my phone so can't send any thing. Pm me and I'll email you our PDF. It was extremely thorough, I even included a page which was their requirements document to show we had covered all points.


good luck and become a hoarder. You don't realise how valuable those wedding invites now become :)

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