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Working Holiday Visa Advice Needed

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I'll be quick and concise.

In 4 months(July) on the 27th i leave for australia.

Currently i have planned to do things in this order and i was wondering if anyone could give me advice on anything i may be forgetting before i make contact to apply for my visa as i want to make a good impression.


#1 I'll be getting my passport first and in plenty of time to spare.

#2 I'm currently on route to pass my GED (diploma) test June.

#3 I plan to apply for my working holiday visa directly after getting my GED As i've heard it only takes 15 days at the longest to get your visa approved and sent.


I just wanted to post this to ask humbly if there is anything i may be forgetting, or could do differently, and if there is anything else i should tweak, or things i should ask my visa agent i talk to? Thanks in advance for reading this and any replies

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I don't know what GED is.

You don't need an agent for a WHV. They are very simple and can be applied on line at immi.gov.au. I did my sons and it took about half an hour and was granted in 24 hours.

You don't require exams or things. It is a holiday visa.

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I don't know why you are using an agent. A WHV is really straightforward generally and can be applied for online and usually is granted very quickly. I'd say only use an agent if you have some complications like a criminal record. Have you looked at applying yourself? It can be applied for by the applicant and there is a checklist PDF you can refer to.




I had no idea what a GED was. I had to look it up. Its a US thing, so am guessing that is where you are. Having read the US requirements I see Aus immigration require an appropriate educational status so figure this is what the GED is for for you.


I doubt you've forgotten anything. So long as you have funds to support yourself and a return or onward flight you should be fine. Don't go without decent funds and have a return/onward ticket as reading up for US citizens, that seems to be expected.


Good luck.

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