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New bored of waiting member needing encouraging words!!!

Guest nikki

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:roll: Hello I am one of those people sitting waiting by the phone everyday for the yes or no to a visa! We applied ages ago but all our paperwork (medicals police checks etc) hit oz on the 20th june 05. Now we wait. Hubby is an aircraft engineer and we are going in as skilled independent regional. We have to go to victoria so chose geelong. Can't go too near melbourne as the regional visa restricts that. Anyone else got experience of a regional visa app? Thanks Nikki

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Hi ya have you been told you can only live in certain areas in Victoria was this confirmed in you letter of acceptance.


We have got State Sporsorhip with no restrictions so we are going to Melbourne, well my partner is a brickie and that is where they need them only restriction he must enter Auz before me (10 secs) and we canot claim Social Security for 2 years. :D:D:D

Don't worry I would say you will hear in the next month????


Good luck, see ya in Victoria, landing 21 March, leaving UK 20 Feb for a month in Thailand


Bet :):)

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:roll: Thanks for the encouraging words. We had to state where we were going to live for the first 2 years and our agent told us we had to be a certain distance outside of melbourne. We aren't bothered by that just want to get over there. Have you booked your flights etc. Are you going into rental place first?? How long did it take from all your paper work arriving in oz to when you got the call? Enjoy every minute of it X

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Guest Heathertoes

Hi -


We are going in on the SIR to Adelaide - fingers crossed!! Our meds and pc's were received by DIMIA on 31st May 05 - and yes.... still waiting! :(


We contacted our agent who just keeps saying we should hear any day now....any day now...any day now.....


Plenty of us in the same boat I fear. Was really hoping to hear before the kids go back to school - can't face going on the playground and everyone asking - its worse than being pregnant!! If we don't hear before I think I shall make a large badge saying 'Don't Ask'!!! :D:D

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Well at least it isn't just us in the waiting game. Maybe ours won't be through yet if yours was 31st may. It is just awful not knowing. Yes it is worse than when I was overdue for 2 weeks with baby number 1! people ringing up saying have you got it yet. NO NO NO but they will hear the yells of joy when we do! Have you got an idea of when you will go? We will be early next year got to get the money in the bank to start us off over there. Can't wait to get out of the uk! Good luck with it all Nikki x

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We got the call about 6 weeks after our med were sent of, 5am in the morning, but hey when its good news you don't mind.


We are planning on getting short term accommodation when we get there, say 8 weeks, going to get share accommodation, gives us a chance to meet people and also the chance to look around and decide what area we want to rent in, as when we went on hols we done the visitor parts of Melbourne. We are having a month in Thailand on route so hopefully this will really chill us out before our arrival :D:D:D


All the best and I am sure that call is going to come any day.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gypsygirl


we are hopefully off to Queensland on a SIR visa, we have received the approval for the Government sponsorship last June and we have had our police checks and sent off all of the paper work to our agent in London (passports, birth certs etc) and await confirmation that its gone off to the DIMIA and the processing bill to be requested.

We applied June 04 and like yourselves many people now are constantly asking 'havent you gone yet' or 'any news' I cringe when ever I go to the bus stop with my children.

The waiting time for the DIMIA seems to vary and now l feel depressed at the prospect, we hoped to be gone by JAN 06 but that seems unlikely going by other peoples experiences.





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  • 1 month later...

Hi Gypsygirl


I read you have Queensland state sponsorship, I didn't think Queensland was doing State Sponsorship? What is your occupation? Hope you don't mind me asking?


Thanks Sharon

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Guest gypsygirl

Hi Sharon,


Yes, Queensland are doing State sponsorships on the SIR visa, after gaining the TRA approval, I had to wait for a contact in Queensland who works for the Government, Once receiving their email address I made contact and he then helps you with the research you are expected to find. You must prove all correspondence and include the proof in your application.

The research you collect is used as evidence for your sponsorship application and if successful the Government then commit to backing you and issue with a document. I'm not sure if your occupation makes any difference but mine was on the demands list and I have 4 to choose from - Vocational teacher, skilled baker, pastry cook and family support worker. The sponsorship advises the DIMIA that with your skills and research of your chosen destination they feel that the candidate has a good chance of settling well as a new migrant.


I hope this isnt too long winded and answers your question. :D

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Cheers Gypsygirl


Truly appreciated. :D


Not sure if my part time hours affect this but I will investigate further.


Ta muchly



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Guest gypsygirl

When you come to the DIMIA part of your application you will have to have worked at least 20hrs a week for a least 12 months in you chosen profession. you may already know that but I thought it was worth saying :o



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Thanks M


Leaves me in the same boat really :cry: The CEO of my migration agency is back and trying to look at ways around it all for me!!


Thanks for your input




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Ta Muchly M


I really hope so!


Thinking of investigating the sponsorship route but have to think of my little boy as my priority. Don't think I am eligible to claim tax credits being sponsored?


Will wait to see what transpires if I have to wait a couple of years that's what I must do! :cry:


Cheers M good luck with it all



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mel & Ed

Hi Nikki,

back to your origional thread...Whats the difference between skilled ind regional and the general skilled migration(47SK) that im applying for??

Im a nurse and could go on either i think but why choose one over the other??is one cheaper??quicker??

Any help greatly appreciated ...

many thanks


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