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Do I need to take my doctors notes to oz???


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Can anyone please tell me if I need to take my family's doctors notes to Perth, I called into the Doctors today to inquire about preparing our medical notes for next month and the lady on reception said the fee would be £50 for each, I was wondering if Medicare would require these notes or the fact that we all past our Medical to get the Visa would be sufficient.


My kids are 18, 16 and 5 I have a feeling my son who is 5 may need them for his new school but not sure about daughters, one will be going to Uni and the other a TAFE course.


Any help would be much appreciated,

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No you don't. Unless you have an ongoing condition or some important medical history you'll be fine without.


Red books for little people to show immunisations are good to take though.

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Yep - I agree - Our Doctors also played the £50 card so decided against it as we are all pretty healthy. Brought the kids red books over and have had no problems. Doctor and clinics were very helpful in getting kids immunisations onto the Medicare system and I didnt require anything for Uni apart from what everyone else on the course was required to have and that was available here. Good Luck!

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I agree, generally you don't unless you have had significant and ongoing intervention for a chronic condition. The exception would be, as you mentioned, if one of the kids has a disability which might mean they are legible for disability funding in school - but if that were the case you probably wouldn't have got a visa in the first place. But if you do have a child with a diagnosed disability then take every diagnostic letter and assessment with you

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Guest littlesarah
played the £50 card


To be fair, that's the fee the NHS recommends practices charge, and is intended to cover the cost of retrieving the notes, checking that they are in order, and then producing hard copies. I reckon it would take a while to do all that, and the fee isn't intended to be a disincentive, it's just designed to ensure that the cost of an administrative task that is requested doesn't come out of the budget intended for the costs (direct and indirect) associated with patient care.


FWIW, I agree that medical notes aren't necessary for most people. You will be asked to provided details of your medical history when you register with a practice in Australia, and most people who are reasonably fit and healthy are able to remember what's what.

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