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having problems getting a job form the uk , should we move to oz and apply


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Can anyone help??

WE are ready to move , have visa, sold house etc, but finding it hard to get a job .

should we move over and look for a job or get one first??

Really getting fed up waiting ,

Looking for a job in IT project management prefer Brisbane .

Please can any one offer advice

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Can anyone help??

WE are ready to move , have visa, sold house etc, but finding it hard to get a job .

should we move over and look for a job or get one first??

Really getting fed up waiting ,

Looking for a job in IT project management prefer Brisbane .

Please can any one offer advice


Have you got children?

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Hi Kirsty, depends on if you have enough money to survive time without a job. I wouldnt recommend Brisbane apparently thats not good for the IT Market. I am in IT myself, I have my first interview for an Aussie company tomorrow so wish me luck. They are interviewing me at a UK Office. I am very lucky to get this interview I feel, many other jobs I have called the recruiters and even though I am Australian and have no work permit issues they say they could never recommend someone who is overseas as its too much of a risk and they are competing with other recruitment companies to fill rolls and get their slice of the pie.


I dont know if they are telling the truth but they have said looking at my CV they would have interviewed me if I was local and they think I would find work within 3 months.


I got this one interview by approaching a company who was advertising on Seek but not using an agent, so my email got through to the boss of the company itself. I would recommend trying that tactic if you havent already

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How many jobs have you applied for? Do you ever hear back from them? I started calling them instead of emailing on advice from others here. They have all been friendly and said get in touch when i was there but bascially your not going to get a chance via a recruitment agent for a job if you are in the UK.

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The reason I am not going back to the UK to find work from Brisbane is that I am stuck here for my kid's education. I will move home as soon as I can as I am tired of being in and out of poorly paid insecure contract work. Highly experienced change manager, business analyst, project manager. Do not move to Brisbane expecting to find IT work, unless you have a specialist skill (e.g. SAP experience), or you personally get offered a job. I have never seen a worse market for IT - in the UK or Australia and I have 25+ years solid experience on large scale implementations. Many people with similar experience as me have given up and moved south (one friend was out of work for 8 months). Sydney has opportunites, as does Melbourne although they are still tough markets. I have met so many people struggling in IT here, it's not funny. Where you can get work (invariably because you know someone), it is poorly paid (daily BA rate now $400-$500) and 3 month contracts. Do not trust Seek as a source of potential job opportunities. I wish I was in a position to get to the UK tomorrow - I know it's tough there but I don't know anyone in IT who is struggling like I am here. If you move over, bring lots of money to support yourself whilst you find work.

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I have been here 3.5 years and only been out of a job since I arrived and wanted to play golf for 3 months. I work in the PM space and my rate is a 1k a day and this will end up being a 2 year contract.


WolvesAussie, Im from Cannock lol, you are lucky to get an interview from over there so good luck, with the market as satched as it is, employers can pick and choose from over qualified candidates at the moment. Government markets are shot, Oil and Gas is thriving but getting in there is tough. PM rates are varying from 550 - 800 per day, I know a few bods earning that but the contracts are now shorter.


To the OP, give yourself a lot of contingency to find anything and remember, what makes your resume stand out from the other 200 they might receive for the same job. Are you on a 457? They are starting to look down on those too which sucks.


April and May are normally more buoyant as Budgets are being settled but it will be hit and miss.


I can send you a few of my agency contacts who can probably take a look for you if you PM me.




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WolvesAussie, Im from Cannock lol, you are lucky to get an interview from over there so good luck, with the market as satched as it is, employers can pick and choose from over qualified candidates at the moment. Government markets are shot, Oil and Gas is thriving but getting in there is tough. PM rates are varying from 550 - 800 per day, I know a few bods earning that but the contracts are now shorter.




Yeah I know, really hope I do ok tomorrow. Not sure if I will get another chance like this. Wow not many in Cannock could say they are earning that sort of money. I was a project manager once, maybe I should have stuck at that, Found it a bit boring though so went back to hands on work, leaving the talking to talkers and I'll get all the work done :)


There lots of normal IT jobs around here (Playing £30,000 - £40,000), I had an interview in Cannock last week actually.

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Yeah I know, really hope I do ok tomorrow. Not sure if I will get another chance like this. Wow not many in Cannock could say they are earning that sort of money. I was a project manager once, maybe I should have stuck at that, Found it a bit boring though so went back to hands on work, leaving the talking to talkers and I'll get all the work done :)


There lots of normal IT jobs around here (Playing £30,000 - £40,000), I had an interview in Cannock last week actually.


I always had to work out of town to get decent cash, worked at HMRC in Telford before I left on a contract but that was only 350GBP a day. When I was PMing in the telecoms space, was earning 42k.


When are you emmigrating?

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$500 a day still sounds like a lot of money to me. Compared to £36,000 for my full time UK job

I know it sounds a lot, but it's insecure work (so you may be out of work in between contracts) and 36K pounds would probably have more spending power in UK than a low contract rate in Bris. There are people who are on higher rates (I have some friends in Mining on $700-$900 a day) but they got their roles 1-2 years ago when the market was better, and so far there's been no pressure on their PMs to replace them with current contract rates.

I came over on a 457 visa, and am now a citizen - My employer didn't abuse the 457 visa, and we were treated fairly (albeit paid a little less than our colleagues!). This was in 2007 when there was a shortage of skilled IT staff, and good opportunities here. I wouldn't take a 457 visa now. Too risky and only going to get worse.

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My girlfriend is a teacher, so between the end of the UK school year (July) and Oct when they might start looking for teachers for the new year.


If I get offered this job tomorrow tho, I will pack up and leave asap. She will follow in August


Fingers crossed then mate, good luck :wink:

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Can anyone help??

WE are ready to move , have visa, sold house etc, but finding it hard to get a job .

should we move over and look for a job or get one first??

Really getting fed up waiting ,

Looking for a job in IT project management prefer Brisbane .

Please can any one offer advice


I was in a similar position, I also work in IT but as a software tester. I applied for lots of roles from the UK and had zero interest. I made the move to Melbourne, and as soon as I starting applying from this side I had huge interest and I was able to secure a 6 month contract role within two weeks of landing. My advice would be go for it, and make the move if your situation allows.


Good luck!!

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