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Nicky davies

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I believe it is about $3k.


Have you had a look on www.immi.gov.au and had a read. This is pretty basic info and if you are having trouble finding that then you are not going ot be able to handle this process alone. You need the help of a migration agent and they can furnish you with all the information you need.

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hi Nicky- if you're intent on doing this by yourself you will need to find your way around the site- there will be threads that have dealt with these issues- enter Navy into the Search thread at the top of the page to start you off :wink:

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A skilled visa goes on what job you do, not what degree you have. Have a look at the immigration website for skilled visa and there will be a list of jobs, infact there should be two. See if either of your jobs are there.


An agent can be worth paying for if you find information locating challenging. Most will have a quick chat about your chances for free.

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Thanks, but I have been told to stay away from agents, as they charge the earth.


Your case is not straight forward, therefore it would be worth speaking to a registered migration to see if you are going to qualify for a visa, and which should be the nominating occupation, then take it from there if you are going to use one or not.


There are many well respected agents, try Go Matilda, Visa Bureau, or Ian Harrop/Overseas Emigration.




What is your OH current occupation?? He would need to nominate an occupation from this list, and be able to get a positive skills assessment.



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