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Does anyone suffer with Fibromyalgia

Red Hot Chili Pipers

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Hi all , we lived in Perth Aus for 18 months and are now back in the UK.


I have had fibromyalgia for about 5 years but got very sick with it when we lived in Perth, i feel this was due to the heat/temp.


Now bk in the Uk i do feel bit better, although it will always affect me in some way. I wondered if anyone else has the same condition and if they are affected in the same way?


We are desperate to come bk to Aus and are looking at applying for 189 visa and heading to Melbourne in the hope the weather is more suited to me. But im worried i may get really sick again, and moving my fam over to Aus again would have to be our last move, should i give up on The Aus dream and be grateful for our life here?


Really i need someone to make the decision for me, lol .



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I have read that people with auto immune diseases like lupus have increased symptoms when exposed to prolonged hot sunlight . Some people find that they have a flare up in autumn after a long , hot summer . So perhaps fibromyalgia is similar . You might find that if you stay out of the sun as much as possible and be very diligent in wearing sun screen , a hat and long sleeves that you will find your symptoms more manageable .

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My neighbour had the condition. Its finding the right drug too is it not. I know the drug my oh is taking for pain is also used for your condition. He suffer from severe nerve pain due to an operation he had a couple of months ago. I live in Melbourne and like most people who live here love three seasons of the year except summer and then we hibernate i e keep out of the sun as much as possible in summer. Air con of course makes a big difference.

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My wife has the condition and she is the opposite she can't stand the cold. It makes the pain and symptoms much worse. Have you got your medication right as I know it took her over 12 months, she was always swapping and changing her medication and even now some days she still has 'flares'. She feels better in the heat! We've just come back from 3 weeks in Florida where it was warm to the cold snowy UK. Feel free to PM me if you need to and i'll pass it on to my OH.

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Thank you everyone, i dont take any medications atm.


I have in the past but i am trying to manage things with just taking certain vitamins which seem to help with my fibro fog and tiredness.


AS my fibro seems to be triggered more by the heat/ sun it seemed like i had a constant flare up in Perth Aus, do you think Melbourne would be better? If i am more careful in the summer hopefully it could work out.


I am hoping to apply for 189 visa but i am worried the fibromyalgia may stop me from passing the medical, has anyone passed with fibro?


Thank you

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  • 2 months later...

I suffer from Fibromyalgia and the warm sunny weather is a blessing for me. When it gets cloudy, windy, cold and rainy I am literally "under the weather" - ridden with aches and pains and tired to exhaustion. Unfortunately, my OH decided to go back to the UK, so I am really dreading it. Painkillers don't work for me. Would be good to know which ones are effective

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Guest98336

Hi All,


I am in the UK, currently 4wks into my 457 visa application process.


My wife and I declared on our application that she suffers from fybromyalgia, and as a result, IMMI required her to have a (501) medical examination at a designated hospital here in the UK. We also supplied a letter from my wife's GP which explains that her fybro is managed adequately with medication, and that she is otherwise in good health. The 501 examiner also commented to the same effect and suggested she should have no problems with her application.


Today I've been advised that her 457 visa application has now been referred to the Medical Officer of the Commonwealth for further review/opinion. Does anyone have any experience of this, and can anyone rate her chances? We're banking on the warm weather of Sydney helping, given that each year the wet weather of South Wales has a massively negative impact on her mobility, while sunny days see her up and about like a spring chicken....


Thanks in advance - Steven.

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