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Working Holiday Visa & Job Sponsershipisa


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I am approaching 29 and do not have long left to go to Australia on a Working Holiday Visa.


I know that as long as your not 31 when you apply you can be granted a visa and im guessing this is the same if you are to apply for an extended second year...


Therefore, to gain the maximum stay, I was thinking of doing the 3 month farm work to start with and then apply for the extended visa after 3 months.


Unlike the majority that do this, I am looking to gain sponsorship within my trade (I.T) whilst i'm out there and not to travel around Oz.


My thinking is that after 3 months farm work, this would allow me to try and gain sponsorship over the next 21 months. If I did not feel comfortable with the job, I could move to the next or if an employee wouldn't sponsor me I could also move on...


I also know that if the sponsorship fails, the sponsored visa fails so if I was to loose the job say 1 year in, would this cancel out the extended WHV. i.e can you only have one visa ... I know that permanent visa you would only be able to have 1.


What is everyones thoughts on Pomz in Oz :)



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thanks Rupert :)


so do 3 months farm work which would allow me time to settle and apply for I.T job in the city. Then do not apply for this visa unless necessary e.g struggle to get sponsored in first year or hold back in case for example I was 30 years and 11 months of age and sponsored visa was cancelled by employee?


To be honest, I think its only a matter of time before the aussie government changes the rules so that you cannot seek sponsorship whilst on a WHV. As its a slight loop hole even though you need to prove skills and the employer must prove no one local is available.


I can probably apply for perm migration too but the states are always changing what they want and its a long process. This is also another option whilst down under to play it safe.

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Hey James, 3 years ago I decided to do the WHV and done the farm work for my second visa. I really wish I done the same as you and not just travelled and pissed up my money and actually spent my time and money on something other than partying for a year. Anyway...


The IT industry is hard to get sponsored unless you have a paticular skill, like a software engineer, network specialist etc etc, I am just Desktop Support but luckily have a few certs and Vendor Certs however still only chance of me getting sponsored is a labour hire agreement which I am hoping to get soon otherwise I will need to return home ;(


By the way, its unusual 3 months farm work is actually 3 months sometimes people get lucky but most of the time you will be on the "waiting list" in the working hostel and then get a week / two weeks work and then go back on the list and have to wait until your name is again at the top and start over again.


Good luck with your travels and future in Oz.

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The other thing to look into (I'm not sure) is if it's 'farm work' or if it's working in rural areas... there is lots of work that 'counts' as the required workload, doesn't have to be a farmhand!


And you can only have one visa at once, so if you get sponsored, than they have to get rid of you, your WHV is cancelled when you get the 457, then if that goes and you can't get another job, you're out. Our friend had this a number of year ago, was out here for 4m!


(On the up side, he lives here now - he liked it that much!)


But it made us wary and turn down our first offer of sponsorship - which was a mistake, as it was a good job - we just didn't know they were difficult to get when everyone seems to have them! (And not all companies offer them - infact the smaller ones do more than the larger companies from our experience!)


Good luck! We're just starting our 457, after coming over on a WHV :) Been here nearly a year and a half now!


PS. Where you thinking of settling?

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The other thing to look into (I'm not sure) is if it's 'farm work' or if it's working in rural areas... there is lots of work that 'counts' as the required workload, doesn't have to be a farmhand!


And you can only have one visa at once, so if you get sponsored, than they have to get rid of you, your WHV is cancelled when you get the 457, then if that goes and you can't get another job, you're out. Our friend had this a number of year ago, was out here for 4m!


(On the up side, he lives here now - he liked it that much!)


But it made us wary and turn down our first offer of sponsorship - which was a mistake, as it was a good job - we just didn't know they were difficult to get when everyone seems to have them! (And not all companies offer them - infact the smaller ones do more than the larger companies from our experience!)


Good luck! We're just starting our 457, after coming over on a WHV :) Been here nearly a year and a half now!


PS. Where you thinking of settling?



well I have friends in brisbane, so the logical thinking would be there.



Whilst over brissy last year, I stopped at my best friends mum and dads for some of this period in toowoomba,

so I thought of working in this regional area. either farm work or I.T



I am educated to degree level and have industry certifications and around 6.5 years experience in I.T.



If i was to cancel my WHV and gained sponsership and that sponsership was to fail, could i then

submit an application for a second WHV if i submited 3 month proof of rural work.



Any tips to gain sponsership?



thanks for the info so far :)

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thats what I meant but can you fall back to an extended secon year WHV if you loose 457


I think you can - if you still satify all the requirements.

But you would need to look into it - I'm only going of ideas I've heard.

I would assume it's okay (not like you can stay in your old job)

If not, you may have to leave Australia for a few days - then come back on the WHV2


And yes - you're only allowed one visa at a time. Your WHV is cancelled ONCE you have been granted the 457. They do it all - worry not (and you get a bridging visa if it take a long time)


Best thing is to look online and maybe email them (get soemthing in writing! - harder than it sounds!)

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I think you can - if you still satify all the requirements.

But you would need to look into it - I'm only going of ideas I've heard.

I would assume it's okay (not like you can stay in your old job)

If not, you may have to leave Australia for a few days - then come back on the WHV2


And yes - you're only allowed one visa at a time. Your WHV is cancelled ONCE you have been granted the 457. They do it all - worry not (and you get a bridging visa if it take a long time)


Best thing is to look online and maybe email them (get soemthing in writing! - harder than it sounds!)



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I'd defo check it out, I think alot of people are assuming this would be ok, the reason I say this is because immigration see a WHV for holiday purposes with the ability to do temporary work in order to suppliment your travels, if you go onto a 457 clearly your intention is to work so when your apply for your 2nd WHV they may question it...


I'm probably over thinking it but would be good to double check.

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