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Waiting on two visas


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Hello Anyone, Ive posted a couple of times on the back of other peoples thread with no response so thought i would try my own new thread.

I'm here in Oz as a PR i arrived 8 weeks ago catching the tail end of my five year multiple entry visa. I'm waiting for my fiance's PMV to be approaved, as he has a criminal conviction from 1997 we have gone through an agent, she emails me all the emails from the DIAC and they say they are processing his visa in Brisbane at the character unit and cant give us a time frame. As i am due to give birth to our baby in eight weeks we have also applied for a e676 visa which we applied for 8 weeks ago (so he can be here for the birth and we can afford for him to stay here up until he will leave to be granted his PMV) they also say its being processed and cant say when it will be granted,has anyone or does anyone know anyone that has been in the same boat and could shed any light on how long its likely to take i'm getting panicky now which is no good for me or bubba and OH is getting very depressed missing out on kicks and stuff and being stuck in the UK without us. He has already done his medicals and police check with statement was sent with all the other documents n our application. so any thing would be really really helpful :arghh:

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The pmv takes about 9 months, when did you apply for it?


That seems like a really long wait for the 676 to be honest ... I would have thought maybe 3 weeks or so, even with criminal convictions, unless they were serious ones requiring lengthy custodial sentence. Is your agent handling this too?

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Hi Rupert and thankyou for your reply

Ive read the PMV might take 9 months just wondered if it was the same if it was referred to the character unit. we applied the 10/10/12.

Yes our agent is handling both visas, she has chased up the VV and we had an email back saying it is awaiting consideration, we obviously checked the online application and i wish there was a section where we could of put that we needed the visa to be active by a certain date because im having our baby ! i know each case is individual but they havent all the facts although i have read that having a baby makes no difference. when the e676 VV application was received the CO rang my OH directly at work and asked how much of the sentence he actually served and then said she said im happy with that will now forward it to Hobart for processing. That was 2 days after the application went in and the agent chased it up 4 weeks after that. now its 7 weeks and 4 days but we have had the Christmas break. i went to the hospital last week for my 32 week check up and they offer a letter writing service to forward onto the AHC but there are 60 other ladies in my situation so have to wait 2 weeks for that but anything that might help we will do.

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Hi Rupert and thankyou for your reply

Ive read the PMV might take 9 months just wondered if it was the same if it was referred to the character unit. we applied the 10/10/12.

Yes our agent is handling both visas, she has chased up the VV and we had an email back saying it is awaiting consideration, we obviously checked the online application and i wish there was a section where we could of put that we needed the visa to be active by a certain date because im having our baby ! i know each case is individual but they havent all the facts although i have read that having a baby makes no difference. when the e676 VV application was received the CO rang my OH directly at work and asked how much of the sentence he actually served and then said she said im happy with that will now forward it to Hobart for processing. That was 2 days after the application went in and the agent chased it up 4 weeks after that. now its 7 weeks and 4 days but we have had the Christmas break. i went to the hospital last week for my 32 week check up and they offer a letter writing service to forward onto the AHC but there are 60 other ladies in my situation so have to wait 2 weeks for that but anything that might help we will do.


There is a bit of me that wonders if the baby thing would go against you, the visitor visa is not for new fathers, it is for tourists and perhaps they think he is at greater risk of over staying hence the caution.

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Thankyou for all your replies,good theory Rupert your right it is for tourists and to visit family and friends, we are more than friends and about to become a family and you would'nt over stay your visa a ruin the grant of the PMV, as its applied for offshore you have to be off shore when it granted. Having read lots of migration issues on here it does seem that CO's speak to each other so hopefully the PMV CO will enlighten the VV CO of our case and she has all the stat decs and character refs. loads of people have come to Oz on VV while waiting for their PMV to be granted so im not worried about that. Our agent says don't worry the wait was expected she helped me get my visa and they have a great reputation and generally dont take a case on unless they are gonna be succesful so i suppose i will just have to put my faith in her and the system, had a good boo earlier i think its he hormones getting to me oh and the puffy feet and feeling fat etc just want my man here


Thanks Kel87

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It is for tourists and people visiting friends and family.


They don't normally mean partner when they say family though do they? I thought tourist visa for someone with a boyfriend / girlfriend / partner in Australia was one of the massive red flags, well it is on border control anyway. Anyway something is weird about this tourist visa taking eight weeks, unless the sentence was lengthy of course, then it is not weird.

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I don't know, my friends went into immigration here in Adelaide to extend her tourist visa and told them it was so they could make it to their 12 months and apply for the defacto visa. Took proof he could support her and were given the visa....

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They don't normally mean partner when they say family though do they? I thought tourist visa for someone with a boyfriend / girlfriend / partner in Australia was one of the massive red flags, well it is on border control anyway. Anyway something is weird about this tourist visa taking eight weeks, unless the sentence was lengthy of course, then it is not weird.

I have read on here here are lots of partners here in Oz on VV waiting for PMV or Spouse 309, so im not too worried about that, thanks for your input though

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rupert, my fiancé got his Visitor visa on Tuesday 9 weeks after we applied it was a long time but at least he has it flights all booked yay just waiting for PMV now

The pmv takes about 9 months, when did you apply for it?


That seems like a really long wait for the 676 to be honest ... I would have thought maybe 3 weeks or so, even with criminal convictions, unless they were serious ones requiring lengthy custodial sentence. Is your agent handling this too?

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