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Sell Up or Not!!!


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Just wondered what the concensus of opinion is to selling up altogether before moving out to z or renting your house out in UK, just in case it doesnt work out. You then have something to come back to.


I think if we sold up and then decided to come back (hopefully not) your lifestyle is so muh better in oz, you would find it difficult to adjust back here in England.


Would like peoples views please?


Debbie & Stuart

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We decided to sell so we didnt have an easy option of returning,we thought that if for any reason we didnt settle and had no house in the uk to go back too,it may give us that extra push to make it work.Thankfully selling was the right decision for us ,as we love it here

Cal x

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  • 1 month later...
Guest WelshDebzs

Hey Debbie


I'm in the same dilema as you..we are hopefully going over on a student visa but this isnt permanent hopefully will get PR but as OH has to pay fees upfront and we have to pay for school fees its going to be hard raising 20,000


I have thought about taking the money out on the house and then renting it or asking peeps to sponsor us cheeky I know lol but then if everything goes ok we can pay them back when we sell the house..


I really dont know what to do I'm no worried bout the flights and dog etc as I will be selling things in the house which should cover the cost of that...


Keep in touch



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Guest earlswood

If you can afford to I would say rent definatly, If it does not work out at least you have somewhere to go back to and an income from the rent.

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Guest jonny.co@tiscali.co.uk

hi debbie.

unfortunately it isnt an option for us to rent out our property in the uk,like many others on here,we need all the money we can get,to be able to afford the move to oz.and i feel that i would be more homesick if i had a home still in the uk,so it is sell up and make as much a go of it as we can.

nic x:swoon::cute:

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Guest ameliaandpeter


we might have rent out as house not sold yet and we have our visas. though if i had a choice would rather sell as i think you will make more of a go of it.


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Guest WelshDebzs

Hi Debs


After my post yesterday I emailed my agent and they hve advised me it in really hard to struggle on 20hrs a week even with the parks around for the kiddies etc still would have to find rent and stuff.


OH has to pay 25% of his fees every 6 months so we have that and school fees to pay, bond for rental , flights and dog etc


They advised us to have as much savings as poss and gave us advice that you can get PR after student visa just takes longer it answered my q as to why everyone sells anyway OH and me have been talking and we have decided to sell.


Do you have your visas yet as we dont but I do worry that if it goes pearshaped I will not afford to buy a house back here so we might buy over there to have something to sell


All these q's lol but I also think it gives you a route to escape and sometimes things are to easy to walk away from OH daughter has in Sunbury so we are going to work to make this happen plus will have loads of dosh in the bank which will earn us interest.


Big gulp ut we have decided to sell even though we told my parents we would rent arggh


Everyone seems to say the same get the bull with both hands and go for it



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I do admire your bravery - personally I'm too chicken to sell up here, even tho God knows we could do with the money to set us up over there; will be visiting the Bank of Dad for a loan I think!!

I'm scared that if we did need/have to come back, we couldn't afford to buy the same sort of house in the same area (and I do LOVE my house here). Also, I thought if I had to come back, I would want to be where I knew I could be happy, surrounded by friends, neighbours and family, just like before.

Crawl back with my tail between my legs to my UK comfort zone - Hope I never need to tho!!

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Guest WelshDebzs

Lol no you are the sensible one I think ....We were going to remortage but the rental income would not cover the repayment per month. We did think of family but we have just told them we are moving and they are still in shock so I am not going down that route so selling it is...


Good Luck



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Guest WelshDebzs

Hey Jo


Are you on a PR visa as I understand that on a student visa temp we would have to apply for permisson to buy and as we can only work 20hrs a wk each I dont know wether they would let us. I am hopeful that we can ge at least 40k but I know we have to dip into that and would only have 15 to 20 grand to come back with.


I suppose if we left 20k in the bank for the 2years at least we would have something to come back with and I am lucky I can take a career break for 2yrs


Can I ask why you think you will come back??






I dont think it will be enough to get something back here

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