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Cockroaches...how common are they meant to be


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I think that's a bit extreme newjez!


We see them in the house about once a week during summer, and more often outside. We try and stomp on them outside before they get back into the grass!


Inside we've used small Mortein poison baits, which worked well. Must get some more actually. Yesterday I saw a big one appear on the top of the dishwasher. There is a gap in the wall behind the dishwasher where they get in, and he scuttled back behind it before I could whack him with a flip flop.


Last summer I was awoken in bed by one crawling across my face. At first I didn't know what it was so I panicked! Turned the light on and found him, chased him round the bed for a while before finally getting him. My partner didn't know what on earth was going on, woken by the light and me brandishing a flip-flop chasing it from one side of the bed to the other!! At least it was a cockroach and not some big hairy Hunstman spider or worse, that would have really freaked me out!


As you can tell, my favourite weapon of choice is the flip-flop! But yeah, just try and clean regularly in the kitchen. I think our visitors are just opportunists. We had opportunist mice for a few days too but they disappeared once they realised no food was left out and about.



Yuk! No really it is not normal to wake to find cockroaches crawling over your face! I tend to agree with NJ that seeing them every week or more is excessive.

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I had a job surveying drainage manholes when I was a student. One day we opened a sewer man hole by mistake. If you wanted to know where cockies come from before they were in your house - I can tell you. They were an inch deep, and they all bolted when they saw the light. Not nice.

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