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Karratha to Aberdeenshire!


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Well we have just signed our final rental agreement for our last year Down Under in the knowledge that this time next year we shall be leaving to return hometo Scotland.


That will make it two and a bit years in Victoria followed by what will be 2 years up here in the North West, overalll what an experience both and good and bad. Looking forward to returing to the region where I was born and raised as a very different person to the one which left. We arrived in Victoria on a 457 visa and all things being equal we shall leave as Aussie Citizens, along the journey we have also aquired another child and a dog.


Looking forward to planning our return and we are approaching it with as much gusto as we did the initial move to Victoria.


All the best to everyone making the move home and indeed to those who are at that very exciting stage of making the move in the opposite direction.

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Well we have just signed our final rental agreement for our last year Down Under in the knowledge that this time next year we shall be leaving to return hometo Scotland.


That will make it two and a bit years in Victoria followed by what will be 2 years up here in the North West, overalll what an experience both and good and bad. Looking forward to returing to the region where I was born and raised as a very different person to the one which left. We arrived in Victoria on a 457 visa and all things being equal we shall leave as Aussie Citizens, along the journey we have also aquired another child and a dog.


Looking forward to planning our return and we are approaching it with as much gusto as we did the initial move to Victoria.


All the best to everyone making the move home and indeed to those who are at that very exciting stage of making the move in the opposite direction.


I don't blame you for wanting to return to Scotland after living in Karratha! I take my hat off to you for managing to live in that hell of a hot place for so long! I work up in Cape Lambert not far from Karratha and I can't understand how anyone would want to live up there full time.


Any way, good luck with your return to your homeland. At least it'll be cool and green!

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I don't blame you for wanting to return to Scotland after living in Karratha! I take my hat off to you for managing to live in that hell of a hot place for so long! I work up in Cape Lambert not far from Karratha and I can't understand how anyone would want to live up there full time.


Any way, good luck with your return to your homeland. At least it'll be cool and green!


Karratha is certainly a challenge at times but I'm glad to have tried it, 2 years is enough for us a return to a more normal life awaits :biggrin:

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Karratha is certainly a challenge at times but I'm glad to have tried it, 2 years is enough for us a return to a more normal life awaits :biggrin:


Hope they paid you well in Karratha mate. If they had sent me to live there or somewhere like Kalgoorlie (or even Canberra come to think of it) I reckon I would have been looking at a plane back to the UK.


You're moving back at the right time for exchange rates and property prices anyway. All the best with the move.

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Well we have just signed our final rental agreement for our last year Down Under in the knowledge that this time next year we shall be leaving to return hometo Scotland.


That will make it two and a bit years in Victoria followed by what will be 2 years up here in the North West, overalll what an experience both and good and bad. Looking forward to returing to the region where I was born and raised as a very different person to the one which left. We arrived in Victoria on a 457 visa and all things being equal we shall leave as Aussie Citizens, along the journey we have also aquired another child and a dog.


Looking forward to planning our return and we are approaching it with as much gusto as we did the initial move to Victoria.


All the best to everyone making the move home and indeed to those who are at that very exciting stage of making the move in the opposite direction.


Fit like min!! :biggrin:


I grew up as a 'loon' in Inverurie/Chapel of Garioch area, currently in Adelaide.


Although Im not a native from the North East (born Manchester) I still have great memories of the people and the area and still think we might return there someday (need to convince the Mrs, who is an Edinburgh lass!).


Anyway all the best with the plans to move back, what part of the Shire are you heading for upon your return?

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Fit like min!! :biggrin:


I grew up as a 'loon' in Inverurie/Chapel of Garioch area, currently in Adelaide.


Although Im not a native from the North East (born Manchester) I still have great memories of the people and the area and still think we might return there someday (need to convince the Mrs, who is an Edinburgh lass!).


Anyway all the best with the plans to move back, what part of the Shire are you heading for upon your return?


Aye nae bad ken chavin awa.


My wife is from the outer reaches of Edinburgh another place we have considered as a destination for us in the long term, its actually my favourite city in Scotland.


We plan to base ourselves around Banchory or the like as its such a stunning place and still within easy reach of Aberdeen for work.


I like the NE sense of humor completely different to the South of Scotland very dry and unique in many ways, also I will have the chance to watch my beloved Dons play on a regular basis........perhaps thats not a good thing for my long term mental wellbeing.


Thanks for the good wishes.

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Hope they paid you well in Karratha mate. If they had sent me to live there or somewhere like Kalgoorlie (or even Canberra come to think of it) I reckon I would have been looking at a plane back to the UK.


You're moving back at the right time for exchange rates and property prices anyway. All the best with the move.


I hope the exchange rate stays as is that would be a big boost for settling in Scotland.


The pay in Karratha is generaly a 30% increase on you're city salary plus housing so decent but not megabucks..........however if you work directly for Woodside you will do vey well.


I work for a lowly contract company at Woodside and I'm amazed at the cash some fairly basic Woodside staff roles command, nice work if you can get it.

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Aye nae bad ken chavin awa.


My wife is from the outer reaches of Edinburgh another place we have considered as a destination for us in the long term, its actually my favourite city in Scotland.


We plan to base ourselves around Banchory or the like as its such a stunning place and still within easy reach of Aberdeen for work.


I like the NE sense of humor completely different to the South of Scotland very dry and unique in many ways, also I will have the chance to watch my beloved Dons play on a regular basis........perhaps thats not a good thing for my long term mental wellbeing.


Thanks for the good wishes.



Agree with that, if youre going to live in a UK city Edinburgh takes some beating, I was there the last 12 years.


If youre going for the country lifestyle then rural Aberdeenshire would be my choice, great lifestyle but still work opportunities in Aberdeen. economy seems reasonably strong up there but others would be better placed to comment.. we would probably look at Kemnay/Inverurie area.


Aye the Dandies, I just missed the Fergie era when I went to school up there but remember Alex Smiths side with all those Dutch players, gillhaus etc, should have won the league really. Hibee myself, what a change from last year although guys back home saying its a bit of a false position. Still good to see challenge outside of the old firm (what remains of it :cool:)

Will be interested to see how things pan out for you as its a move were looking to do maybe in 2 or 3 years, Oz is great but long term I think UK wins for us.

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Agree with that, if youre going to live in a UK city Edinburgh takes some beating, I was there the last 12 years.


If youre going for the country lifestyle then rural Aberdeenshire would be my choice, great lifestyle but still work opportunities in Aberdeen. economy seems reasonably strong up there but others would be better placed to comment.. we would probably look at Kemnay/Inverurie area.


Aye the Dandies, I just missed the Fergie era when I went to school up there but remember Alex Smiths side with all those Dutch players, gillhaus etc, should have won the league really. Hibee myself, what a change from last year although guys back home saying its a bit of a false position. Still good to see challenge outside of the old firm (what remains of it :cool:)

Will be interested to see how things pan out for you as its a move were looking to do maybe in 2 or 3 years, Oz is great but long term I think UK wins for us.


I shall update you as we progress.


I am also too young to remember the Fergie era but did enjoy the team Smith built. Seems our sides will occupy the upper end of the table this year.


What is pulling you back to Scotland in the longterm?


Inverurie is a nice spot and has the advantage of a rail link.

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I shall update you as we progress.


I am also too young to remember the Fergie era but did enjoy the team Smith built. Seems our sides will occupy the upper end of the table this year.


What is pulling you back to Scotland in the longterm?

Inverurie is a nice spot and has the advantage of a rail link.


Hard to answer without waffling but Ill give it a go ! (and this applies to UK not just Scotland)



sense of humour/banter (like you I appreciated the dry Aberdonian wit. have to admit I do struggle a bit with Aussie sense of humour sometimes).


being able to get to Europe easily/from Edinburgh be in central London in 4 hrs.

UK music scene

Footie (proper)

skiing/hillwalking in Scotland


and loads more


Having said that enjoying being in Oz and the Aussies in general just now, theyre a good bunch all in. for us its looking like a 2/3 year adventure rather than a long term thing, certainly glad were doing it and would recommend to anyone to give it a go if you get the chance. If youre like me and always had it in your head to do something like move to Oz, you have to do it to see for yourself as lifes too short I reckon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I am considering a return to Scotland, but down Dumfries and Galloway region. I own a house there which I have been renting whilst I tried to re-settle in Aus, but it is just not happening for me. Main thing is a complete lack of a support network and have found it really difficult to make friends and integrate into what are already well established groups - it feels as if everyone seems suspicious of me?? Anyway, my wife and I are now considering going to the UK (I came here to marry her in 2011). It's been an interesting journey which I don;t necessarily regret, but I would certainly do thijngs differently if it were to happen again!



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