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wind taken from my sails :(


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Hi All


Following on from major high the other day when i accepted an offer on the old homestead, I have been dealt a bit of a blow.


I contacted the company sponsoring me to inform them of the news and I received a reply stating that this was great news, however my original offer may not stand due to the dealy in moving and that when i contact them with a more specific date I could be offered an alternative position at an alternative location!!!


I was not given a date by which I had to move, I was not told that that offer could be withdrawn or that I could be employed else where.


We are moving to SW Sydney because family are near by (big help) and although my contract dosen't state my position, it dose state location and salary.


I have contacted them to explain my concerns over this, but as this is only recent I don't have a reply. Does anyone else have experiance of this or have any advise as to how best to proceed.


The outcome could have big implications for my move, especially if there is a salary drop because it's a more junior position (previous offer was a managerial role).



Rachel :sad:

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That is not good. I suppose it is hard for them too, as if they needed someone they needed someone, but they could have given you the option to come over first and start work which waiting for the house sale, if that was the only option.

Good luck, I hope you hear back soon.

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This is not good - also your employer can just move you to a new position, as your visa (it looks like you have 457) would not allow this. They have to go through the correct procedures by nominating a position and then your visa being transferred. They cant just please themselves. What was the start date that was put in the Nomination.


Your visa was just granted a month ago - bit much for them to be acting like this.

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I think it is perfectly reasonable for an employer to want a new employee to start promptly and to withdraw an offer if that does or cannot happen. They might be really stretched and need someone now to help them.


How soon can you go out, it is easy enough to complete a house sale from overseas, I have done this. I think you need to look to get yourself out there asap or accept that you missed the boat on this one and see what is around when you are ready.


What I wouldn't do is complain about your situation and how they should be bending to your needs, they dont know you and have to put the department needs first.

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Thanks for the replies. I am on a 457 and no start date was agreed, also the employer knew from the start that I didn't anticipate starting until later in the year, this was never an issue. I have not complained, merely expressed concern as to the effects this may or may not have.

I hope to hear back soon. Will post when I do.

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Quick update:

Heard back this morning, some reassurance in that the salary offer won't change - phew!! But the job and exact location may :( they will try to find me a position as close to the original offer as possible if that role is no longer available. So some comfort, keeping my fingers crossed for a swift exchange of house contracts so I can give the employers some more definite dates to work on.

Thanks all xx

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