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Smiths In Oz update!!

Smith Tribe

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:twitcy:Hi all at PIO, The Smiths have not posted on the site for a while so l thought now is the time. We arrived in Brisbane on 31st Dec, so we have been here for just over 3 weeks. In that time OH has a job (roofing), this is his second week, and l have a job in a child care centre (not started yet). We are in Birkdale (Redlands), got to say it is really nice and only about 5 min from Wellington Point beach and 45 min from the Gold Coast.

We sorted our rental from UK and kids school which was a gamble but paid off, all good. Few niggly things with house but in process of sorting them out. Done tax file number, driving licences, medicare, bought a car and Dan has a ute. Looking forward to getting our furniture, not too sure how long this will be, arrived in port on 11th Jan. Just thought we would update you all. Spoke to Saminoz and she told us KP has asked, so now you know what we have been up to (Dan says don't worry about roofing jobs you will get one no probs) Must say Congrats to Chelle on the birth of her baby. Take care all speak to you all soon Lynsey and Dan:smile:

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Hi Lynsey and Dan


Lovely to here from you and glad your settling in well, the kids will be at school soon and i for one can't wait for mine to go back, Hope your furniture is not to long now.


Karen x

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Hi Lynsey and Dan


Great to hear your news...so pleased you have settled in well....


i have news too... we eventually got our visa on the 9th jan... we sold our house after only 6 days on the market and we fly 1st march!!!:jiggy:


Anyway.. let us know how things are going for you when you have a spare minute


min x:wubclub:

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Guest michele'n'michael

I know you'll be fine Smiths. Thanx for the txt off Dan!! Our visa is about to come thro' It was the visa bureau trying to get in touch Linz!! Mareks on hollie & it was some one standing in for him asking when we were leaving in OZ!!! We're in Singapore now on our final leg back to UK(boo hoo)

C ya soo hun for a tinnie!!

The Horns xxxx

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Mick work will be fine loads to speak of people are walking out of jobs 1 day and walking straight back into 1 the next. Another pom works for the chap i do and he says the ozzies luv poms to work for them. he comes from Leeds and has been in Adelade for the last 3 years and has decided to come and settle in Brissy. Hope every 1 is fine. See toy for a scooner (tho the irish bar by us does Pints) SOON

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Guest lynchwinch

hello smith tribe,were moving to brisbane feb 20th,please answer me question how did you do your rental here,i thought you must view the property first,thanks

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We saw only the outside on tinternet so took a punt and the house is not to bad, had a couple of problems mainly to do with the previous tennent deciding to BLEACH the carpet with a mop and bucket but today the owner has said they will put us new carpets down.

We also offered to pay 3 months rent in advance and also signed up for a 6 month lease, Most estate agents wont let you rent from the UK because they have a lot of problems with people agreeing to the property then not liking what they get when they arrive, to much hassle i presume, Also alot harder to get a rental if you have a pet. good Luck and pm us if we can help, Dan

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Guest Ian&Lou

Hi Dan,


Great to hear you have started to settle in well! You beat us in the race in the end, we're still waiting to sell the house!! Ian has his flight booked for 24th April though!


It's sounds really positive about work over there which is nice to hear after so many negatives. Can the same be said for plumbing?


Enjoy the sun!


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Guest KP Nuts

Hi Dan and family, glad to hear you have settled in well, and that you have a job Dan. So come on spill the beans, what did they want off of you i.e. blue card, references whatever????


What kind of roofing are you doing? tiles or sheeting?


See it didn't take long for the questions to come did it?


Take care


MR KP Nut. 363p.gif


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Hope you are settling in well.

We are looking at Redlands to settle, whats it like?

Would you mind if I PM'd you nearer the time ?


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Hi Dan


great you have settled so well.


Quick question for you did you show any refernces to get the rental we have never rented so cant do that but can pay up front.


What did you show did you email the stuff.


Ps loovvveee wellington Point.


Pps I hear they have a curry league at spice avenue curry house have you been yet :)

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Kp i,m working on repairs at mo, just phoned a guy and went to see him, took no references ect and did not need my blue card as that if for site work, just like home really. Pay isnt to bad 2650 dollars in 9 days so similar to uk, but think will only be short term as its only a small company, My maiin tools dont land for a week or 2. Most companys want you sub contract, supply own Ute ect,


Will try Spice avenue and see where they are in my league.


We wrote out own reference and called my Dad our Landlord as we had never rented either, Just said house was left clean and tidy, no other option really,


Feel free to contact us as we contacted loads of pio ers whilst we were on the road to Oz, Good Luck to all, See you all soon.

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