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Having a bad day!!!


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Sorry just need a rant.


We've been applying for our visa as our house sale is going through. We thought - easy sale - no chain - just us and the buyers. We're going to move in with my parents until we move over to Oz hopefully in November.


It just all seems like it's falling apart. I keep chasing up the Solicitors and today they have actually got back to me saying that they haven't heard from the buyer's Solicitors but they have heard from the estate agents and that there is a problem with the homebuyers report that the other party had done. They have already knocked £4,500 off the asking price which we have accepted. there is a problem with our bedroom lintel - the surveyor told me that if the windows were replaced it would need a lintel put in as it's sagging a bit - it's not a major problem it's just there. So the buyers want us to have the work done ourselves before they buy it or knock even more off the price! We've haven't got any money to do this and we certainly can't afford to knock any more off the house!!! Not when the surveyor said it didn't really need doing until new windows were put in.


The visa wants us to show proof of money in the bank (lol what money) and we've only got until the 25th October for the house to go through and to get all the documents that the visa requires. And to top it all off today my hubby will be finding out next week whether he's being made redundant in a few weeks time :arghh:


Don't feel like anything is going right for us at the moment :cry:


Sorry about the rant just needed to get it all off my chest

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If you don't want to drop your price further, then stand your ground and call their bluff, they are probably just trying it on.


What visa do you have to prove funds for?


Thanks that is our plans at the moment. the trouble is we are going on a student visa and it all depends on the house sale - my course starts on 3rd December this year so on a very tight timeline :rolleyes:

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That's crap they put in an offer and are now messing you around. Admittedly, based on the survey things can change but if its not a major thing and the window is sound, I'd agree, stand your ground, point out again you already dropped £4,500 for them. If the windows are decent its not like they are going to be ripping them out any time soon. And I doubt if you dropped a bit more for them they would actually get it fixed when they move in. They are more likely not going to touch it and are just saving a bit of cash.


The other thing is to say you'll knock £500 off as a goodwill gesture and that is it and they get on and sign. It might speed things up and be the final push they need.

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That's crap they put in an offer and are now messing you around. Admittedly, based on the survey things can change but if its not a major thing and the window is sound, I'd agree, stand your ground, point out again you already dropped £4,500 for them. If the windows are decent its not like they are going to be ripping them out any time soon. And I doubt if you dropped a bit more for them they would actually get it fixed when they move in. They are more likely not going to touch it and are just saving a bit of cash.


The other thing is to say you'll knock £500 off as a goodwill gesture and that is it and they get on and sign. It might speed things up and be the final push they need.


They are cash buyers who are planning to rent out - and definitely not short of money anyway.

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In that case I reckon stand your ground. They probably know you want to sell and emigrate so think they have you over a barrel. Hopefully they will not try to niggle more at you.

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Are there any other buyers in the wings? If not you might have to drop the price a bit as already suggested, just to sell. Hope it works out for you...

No we have no other buyers in the wings. Things don't look so bad now as we had a builder who came out and we've found out that we don't need a lintel as there is already one there - it was just the window fitters didn't put plasterboard up properly!! Saving us loads of money - it's only going to cost less than £100 to be done now so feeling a lot happier about that bit.

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