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is it too risky?


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i;m going to oz at the end of October, i havent got a job but fortunately my partner works for an Aussie company and has. and we've no children. it is scary though. i have been looking on line a lot and have had a couple of chats with recruiters who 've been sufficiently interested in my cv to take the trouble to call me from Australia after i've emailed them , with reasonably positive feedback, so i am hopeful. But they do want to see you there, really. There are so many timewasters around nowadays. It's always a risk going not knowing what the future will hold for me jobwise......... but there we go....hopefully i will find something decent, pretty quickly.

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For a business to be able to sponsor you, they have to have a history of training. They have to have spent I think 2% of their income on training to qualify as a 457 sponsor!!


My hubby had a job offer from an old work colleague (we have lived in Perth before) he had loads of work lined up, and wanted my hubby skills. He didnt meet the training requirement so plans fell through.

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If you're a chef you'll find something the first few days you land to tie you over, do not listen to the nay sayers on this.


You can always 'slum it' as a barman or a barista - there are alway job ads in the window of bars, cafes and restaurants around Surry Hills. Places all seem to be packed even on the 'quiet' days - Monday, Tuesday.

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If you're a chef you'll find something the first few days you land to tie you over, x not listen to the nay sayers on this.


my partner is a chef, he found work quite easily, however it is long hours, sometimes up to 14 hours a day, then travelling on top, they have a tenancy to ring u on your days off and ask if u will go in. on the whole, work is available, better wages with agency work but lots of work about (nsw).

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Yes I think it's a bit risky tbh. We arrived as a couple 5 yrs ago with no jobs and picked up work easily. Now have toddler and oh been looking for work for 3 months, which we have never experienced before. If you can bring enough money over to survive for 6 months or so and expect to downsize in all areas e.g maybe one car/ no car a smaller apartment, living in a less desirable suburb, then at least ur outgoings will be less then once one of you finds work you can re evaluate things.

i think work opportunities are becoming more difficult to secure ( in Melbourne) based on our experience. But depends on ur job and personal situation!

good luck with your decision!

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I would be very concerned comming with no job secured,EXPECIALLY those with children.

I have read MANY posts, a lot over the years I have read, regards people wanting to go home or struggling, are the fact they cannot find work.


BUT....... life is full of chances and it maybe the best thing you could ever of done. Nobody can tell you and nobody is in your shoes/life and can forsee the outcome.

Life is a gamble, nobody knows whats around the corner. It depends if its a chance you wish to take and will regret if you dont.

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