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North of England, my home.....


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Hey people, not posted here for a while...


Well, I've currently got a good mate of mine from Uni (Leeds) staying with us while getting set-up in work. What can I say, the old saying 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone' springs to mind!


Can't remember the last time I have had such a sustained laugh! Just general banter all the way.....


We were back in England (Lakes, Northumberland = best places in the world) in May this year and spent a canny bit of time in some really great country pubs n' what-not. When we first came back I was all 'don't want to move backwards i.e. home' - well, all I can say is that everytime I think about that pub in lakes, with the open fire - the dude with the dog in the corner, the beef and guiness pie, the Jennnings Ale for 2.80 quid, the low beams and a view of a GREEN mountain from the back window I literally get shivers and a tear in my eye!!!


Also noticed a distinct sway in peoples view and openness to moving back to the UK in some of my Melbourne network. For example, one couple originally from Surrey are literally in the process of moving back to Tynemouth after visting for the first time (never been north of Brum) this year. They just loved it (been here for 22 years)...


So there you go - 6 years in and, although I've been trying to avoid it; I am gonna have to come to terms with the fact! Northern England is my home and always will be....


Now, just need to get a job in said Northern England = the hard part!!!

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I agree the North is the best in my view and we have family in Gateshead who we visit from time to time. Even though I love it and have lived there myself I still could not return to live there. The places I would want to live are snowed in in winter and this last winter in Melbourne has been cold and I have been moaning about it so afraid its here we stay .

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Glad we are in agreement Petals!


I'll be buggered if this isn't one of the best pubs I've ever been too. This, and another one I can't remember the name of are what I was talking about in the OP.




I just can't get over how much I love places like that - I think it might be in my DNA or something!


Agreed re; winters. Remember not being too crash hot at the old snow driving at the best of times. Did used to surf all year round though so not at all bothered about it TBH. Just get to have a nice bath at the end of a days trial riding on the Moors.... All good (and simple, ha)

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We always use all the little back roads and by ways and steer clear of the main roads. We were up at Blanchland, lovely old pub there. Lots of nice villages, love Elsdon near the Gibbet. Another one that gets snowed in. I used to like Hexham but its got too busy for me now. Corbridge another favourite.

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I'm from the North East, Ashington to be exact. Moving to Melbourne in the next few months, just awaiting the 457 to be granted. I love Northumberland and I don't think it's possible to replicate it anywhere else in the world. The cold winters with the snow in the hills, then the hot summers lazying on the same hills.


I'm really going to miss the place and know I will be back after a few years, but it's time to start a new adventure before I plan to grow up and start a family :)



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hi we from county durham and we moving to western australia in kal this november... getting excited. To tell you the truth even though the northeast is a nice place jobs are not going that well ... loads of places shutting down and unemployment hitting rock bottom... Ive been out of work now since jan 2012 and the agency are only giving a day her and there. So I hope I be able to get a Job over in kal ... my husband has been offered a Job at cpc engineering so at least thats a start.... anyways good luck to you all thats moving over to australia and im sure it be AMAZing adventure for you all :biggrin:

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Good luck getting a job up here. I don't think it's impossible, in fact it's the only place my oh could find a job in his (narrow) field in the UK after 20 months of looking!


I always swore I'd never live up here again after being here in the early 90's- I found the winters too long and cold, but being here is better than living in the opposite hemisphere from each other! We live just outside Hexham which is very beautiful. It may be a bit busier than it used to be, but it's better for me because the facilities have improved along with the growing population. Our girls go to school in Newcastle and all (18, 16 and 14) love the city. They've lived in a few places through their childhoods and the older two think it's the best place they've lived (the youngest is Australian through and through, so I'm not expecting her to stay around when she finishes school!). The eldest says she'd go to uni in Newcastle if it wasn't so close to home!


i love the countryside around here and I agree about the pubs - 'proper' English places with log fires and real ale and good local food.

I still don't like the winters and I don't think I'll be staying here after our youngest leaves school, but it's not a bad place to be in the meantime. Lovely scenery, beautiful beaches, great city and really friendly, straightforward people.


Good luck!

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Yorkshire is great of course, but north of the Tees they're more or less Jocks, and on the wrong side of the hill well.....they're from the wrong side of the hill, aren't they? They do silly things like eat Hotpot and Goosnargh cakes and wear red roses. Cumbrians? Wannabee Manxmen, you can't take anyone seriously who uses words like "Marra". And anyway, it rains too much


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Guest Guest63690

surfndirt. Sounds like you've made up your mind where your heart lies...which is wonderful. I hope the move back goes smoothly for you, and you will be very happy back in beautiful Blighty!

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I'm originally from Ireland but moved to Newcastle 8 years ago. It feels more of a home to me now, than Ireland ever was. The Geordies make you feel so welcome, I adore the countryside and the rugged winters. I never thought I'd say this but I will miss the cold winters and white christmas's. They are magical, especially when you're tucked up in the warmth either at home or in the local pub. I am leaving Newcastle for Oz this week with a very heavy heart at everything I will be leaving behind. But I am leaving for a better working life and considering I spend 16 hours a day at work, something has to give. I hope to get out of my profession at some stage, after I've made my money and return ''home'' for good.

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I'm originally from Ireland but moved to Newcastle 8 years ago. It feels more of a home to me now, than Ireland ever was. The Geordies make you feel so welcome, I adore the countryside and the rugged winters. I never thought I'd say this but I will miss the cold winters and white christmas's. They are magical, especially when you're tucked up in the warmth either at home or in the local pub. I am leaving Newcastle for Oz this week with a very heavy heart at everything I will be leaving behind. But I am leaving for a better working life and considering I spend 16 hours a day at work, something has to give. I hope to get out of my profession at some stage, after I've made my money and return ''home'' for good.




Good luck! Have a fantastic time, make your money and Newcastle will still be here when you come home. :yes:

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Guest TheArmChairDetective

There's one thing that let's down the North and that's Northerner's.

Of course, looking on the bright side there's the road South .


Bah Humbug :-)

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Hey people, not posted here for a while...


Well, I've currently got a good mate of mine from Uni (Leeds) staying with us while getting set-up in work. What can I say, the old saying 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone' springs to mind!


Can't remember the last time I have had such a sustained laugh! Just general banter all the way.....


We were back in England (Lakes, Northumberland = best places in the world) in May this year and spent a canny bit of time in some really great country pubs n' what-not. When we first came back I was all 'don't want to move backwards i.e. home' - well, all I can say is that everytime I think about that pub in lakes, with the open fire - the dude with the dog in the corner, the beef and guiness pie, the Jennnings Ale for 2.80 quid, the low beams and a view of a GREEN mountain from the back window I literally get shivers and a tear in my eye!!!


Also noticed a distinct sway in peoples view and openness to moving back to the UK in some of my Melbourne network. For example, one couple originally from Surrey are literally in the process of moving back to Tynemouth after visting for the first time (never been north of Brum) this year. They just loved it (been here for 22 years)...


So there you go - 6 years in and, although I've been trying to avoid it; I am gonna have to come to terms with the fact! Northern England is my home and always will be....


Now, just need to get a job in said Northern England = the hard part!!!


northumberland .......right up there

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I'm from the North East, Ashington to be exact. Moving to Melbourne in the next few months, just awaiting the 457 to be granted. I love Northumberland and I don't think it's possible to replicate it anywhere else in the world. The cold winters with the snow in the hills, then the hot summers lazying on the same hills.


I'm really going to miss the place and know I will be back after a few years, but it's time to start a new adventure before I plan to grow up and start a family :)




Nice one Ben, you'll have a blast here mate - crackin part of the world. Miles better than that sunny London up in NSW mate...... I've been here 6 year now, made some good mates through dirt bikes / surfing n' that. Glad the boys from the NE have a bit of a think and get to Melbourne!!! That's the correct attitude too IMO, just come for a while with a view to having an adventure then going home. You may stay 6 years, you may stay 20, you may not come back, you may be back in 6 months..... Who cares - it's an adventure mate. One thing to bear in mind, unless you are really lucky you probably won't end up in a workplace that has people keen for a jar after work. Took me 6 weeks to find someone in my office to have a cheeky with!!! All good in the end though champ..

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I'm originally from Ireland but moved to Newcastle 8 years ago. It feels more of a home to me now, than Ireland ever was. The Geordies make you feel so welcome, I adore the countryside and the rugged winters. I never thought I'd say this but I will miss the cold winters and white christmas's. They are magical, especially when you're tucked up in the warmth either at home or in the local pub. I am leaving Newcastle for Oz this week with a very heavy heart at everything I will be leaving behind. But I am leaving for a better working life and considering I spend 16 hours a day at work, something has to give. I hope to get out of my profession at some stage, after I've made my money and return ''home'' for good.


Yeah, that's it hey... Chances are you'll have a blast and probably not consider coming back at all for a canny few years. Then you'll catch an episode of 'escape to the country' or sommat and it'll be like "geez, i'd love to live in a village like that"....... On the jobs front, no difference here like. People generally live to work, esp in Melbourne / Sydney. Miles more of a rat race than Newcastle and what-not, having said that - it's paying good at the moment and I expect to come back and buy a flat in Tynemouth out right, which is pretty awesome. Not sure what industry you are in but when I moved over my (big 4) company had people generally in the office till 9pm every night. On the flip side, have just finished a stint with PwC and they were pretty laid back.....

Ohhh, can't wait to get back in the Vineyard for a couple of Duvel's then up to Lady Grey's for a few daft international ones (beers, that is)......

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There's one thing that let's down the North and that's Northerner's.

Of course, looking on the bright side there's the road South .


Bah Humbug :-)


Ha! Yeah, the old north / south thingy. Must admit, used to love being in London and generally talking loud and puttin on me bestest accent - something about people from the north east that most find different hey. Least all the southern birds used too!! ahahhahahh


On a more serious note, I see you are really keen to get over to the lucky cornflake mate - hope all goes well champ. If not, move to Newcastle :-)


It's funny, when in my early twenties all the lads from my home town would be backwards and forwards to WA and such. The general take was that Aus was a nice weather, cheap cost of living version of the North East but with better surf and warmer water. ALL the lads growing up wanted to move here, I mean everyone of em. Fast forward 2012 and we have, in the most part, all lived in Aus and all (bar me at present) have come home. Why??


Cos, while the better surf and warmer water still holds true - the rest just simply isn't the case anymore. Mad house prices at slave kinda levels, highly agrovated people, crazy rat race for; the Audi SUV, the 900,000 house, the $200 meal in a twaty resturant.... Not for me anymore I'm affraid

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Good luck getting a job up here. I don't think it's impossible, in fact it's the only place my oh could find a job in his (narrow) field in the UK after 20 months of looking!


I always swore I'd never live up here again after being here in the early 90's- I found the winters too long and cold, but being here is better than living in the opposite hemisphere from each other! We live just outside Hexham which is very beautiful. It may be a bit busier than it used to be, but it's better for me because the facilities have improved along with the growing population. Our girls go to school in Newcastle and all (18, 16 and 14) love the city. They've lived in a few places through their childhoods and the older two think it's the best place they've lived (the youngest is Australian through and through, so I'm not expecting her to stay around when she finishes school!). The eldest says she'd go to uni in Newcastle if it wasn't so close to home!


i love the countryside around here and I agree about the pubs - 'proper' English places with log fires and real ale and good local food.

I still don't like the winters and I don't think I'll be staying here after our youngest leaves school, but it's not a bad place to be in the meantime. Lovely scenery, beautiful beaches, great city and really friendly, straightforward people.


Good luck!


Thanks heaps..... Yeah winters are gonna be interesting I guess. Grew up surfing all the way through em though so it'll be right. More into my dirt bikes and the like now so at least I won't be drawn to get into the sea on a sunny January day with an air temp of 4 and a sea temp of 6. We used to defrost our wetties in front of the fire on them kinda mornings. Hard b*****ds the lot of us!!!!! hahahah

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Guest TheArmChairDetective


On a more serious note, I see you are really keen to get over to the lucky cornflake mate - hope all goes well champ. If not, move to Newcastle :-)




I accept your p.o.v and admit I did miss out that Geordie birds will walk around with next to no clothing on in 6 feet of snow, but unfortunately I am of an age where I would probably be arrested trying to swim in that pool :-)

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Guest TheArmChairDetective
Ha! Yeah, they're mad as a bag a spanners aren't they! Runnin round the big market smokin tabs, eating a kebab and abusing a poor skinny dude with a shaved ed which loosely passes for they're boyfriend...... Hahahahahhah love it!


Yes, preferably by watching them on TV though.

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