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Flying via Hong Kong/Disneyland


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We're just waiting for our visa (my medicals were finalised today after almost 6 weeks waiting) and I'm starting to think about options where to fly via, we have 2 children (9m and 3yrs) so we want to spend a few days in either Singapore or Hong Kong, HK is winning the war at the mo as it has always appealed to me, we did a 8 hour stopover on our way back from Brisbane 3 years ago and stayed in the airport hotel, it looks like an amazing place that I'd like to explore but it also has DisneyLand there which our 3 year old would LOVE!


Has anyone else travelled via HK and if so where would you recommend us staying (bearing in mind we will have the children with us)

Has anyone been to DisneyLand HK and if so what was it like?


Many thanks


Sara x

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Guest Trueblue22

One of my friends on here travelled via HK, that's where her husband is from, and she said Disneyland was like a low rate travelling carnival....her little girl was bitterly disappointed as I think only one Disney character made an appearance.

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Like you, HK had been on my to do list for a few years but i found it to be a bit of a let down. Agree with Trueblue about Disneyland, its a very poor relative to US and Eurodisney. If you want to do a theme park i would stick with Ocean Park, no disney characters but a lot more going on.

HK for me was too busy, too humid and smelt awful (this was in July). Although not a dirty place it just didnt seem clean either. Its a long journey to the airport too.

On the plus side i found the underground to be clean, efficient and cheap, although again even at midnight very busy. While the temples and buddahs were interesting, i wouldnt go out of my way just for that.

Something i would recommend though is the Peak Tram, its great up there looking down on the island and lots of shops, bars/restaurants etc so its a good place to spend a few hours.

Be careful with the little ones too, as when we were there the pollution was sky high and the air quality very poor, think masks for the kids

I know this sounds negative but it is only what i thought of HK and im sure other posters will have different views.

Happy travelling

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Guest The Pom Queen

Stayed in HK for 2 weeks late last year. It's one of those places I wasn't keen on whilst there but now I'm home I could see myself going back.

i didn't do Disney so can't advise on that but we did Ocean Park. There were not many white people and you found the Asians stopping every five minutes to take photos of you.

No one has manners it's just go, go, go, push and shove, I don't think anyone has heard of a queue.

Everything was in Chinese so you couldn't tell what you were ordering. I ended up eating chicken knuckles and feet one night.


What I did like about it was it was unspoilt, apart from down at the harbour everything was untouched and you could see how life use to be.

I loved the markets as well and it would be one of he things I'd do if I went back. It's not really a place I would take two young children. However, I would recommend staying on Sentosa Island in Singapore it's a lot more child friendly.

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We were going to do a 3 week Disney/Universal Florida break then come back to the UK before heading off to Perth (with a 4 day stopover in Singapore - Sentosa Island), BUT after talking to Travelbag we can go one way to Orlando then after our holiday go from Orlando to Dallas then to Brisbane (where we will stay for a couple of days) then on to Perth for pretty much the same cost !

And yes we will be doing this with kids aged 9,7 and 3 !

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Guest The Pom Queen
We were going to do a 3 week Disney/Universal Florida break then come back to the UK before heading off to Perth (with a 4 day stopover in Singapore - Sentosa Island), BUT after talking to Travelbag we can go one way to Orlando then after our holiday go from Orlando to Dallas then to Brisbane (where we will stay for a couple of days) then on to Perth for pretty much the same cost !

And yes we will be doing this with kids aged 9,7 and 3 !

Sounds a great way to do it.

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I was in HK in July. Stayed at the Langham Place Hotel in Mongkok - 20 mins on train from the airport then a short taxi ride. Chose that hotel as they do family rooms that come with a kitchen with fridge/cooker etc so you can self cater. They do a 'gift' pack for young children as part of the room deal. Best breakfast buffet I've ever seen but they have a Starbucks just out side too! If you are not used to Asian countries then being among all the crowds can wear you out. I wouldn't want to push a buggy among the HK streets. Disneyand is a poor cousin to the other Disneylands but if your kids haven;t been to any others they might like it. It will be in Chinese though so they might not understand why Mickey Mouse is speaking Chinese. The stage shows are in Chinese too. I'd have to say that Singapore would be a more relaxing option - Sentosa is not as busy and they now have Universal Studios - superman etc. There's a great water park in Sentosa too. Singapore has less people, is cleaner and everyone speaks English. Think it might be better with young children.

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Thanks all, I think we will go with Singapore after all as they have Universal Studios and the little one loves Madagascar and Shrek which they have in that theme park, Sentosa looks amazing! I don't like the sound of the pollution for the little ones so would prefer to go somewhere cleaner! Hubby doesn't want to stop anywhere (bah humbug!!) but I'd rather acclimatise the children to the time zone and have the opportunity of seeing other parts of the world which we have never seen before!


If you have been to Sentosa which hotel did you stay in and did you have a family with you? x

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