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Down Under Live Expo - Is it any good?


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Hi, Can anyone tell me if the Down Under Live Expo is any good? I can't decide between this one and the Working In Expo. Neither one posts what employers they have attending.


Can anyone tell me if they have been to either?




Where is that one?, we went to one about this time last year in Islington somewhere, it wasn't quite what I expected but we did get a lot of useful info. There were advisers for trades telling you what visa you need etc. and an employment type desk but didnt get near it as such a long queue, lots removal companies and pet shippers, few aus banks and foreign exchange (cash) companies, and good for us was the WA government desk. Center of the room were short talks on different aspects of moving to Aus from different companies, some of which were good. That was the first step for us and now we are here

Let me know if anything you want to know

Good luck



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No not sponsored, my oh occupation is on the skilled occupation list, mine isnt, submitted Vettasses Nov 2011 that was the longest wait about 16 weeks, IELTS in Jan, state sponsorship took about 2 weeks then applied for visa sometime end Feb, police checks and meds early April and visas granted 2nd week April. Both managed to find jobs from the UK with skype interviews etc. OH had to give 3 months notice, booked flights, removals, dog shipping, rental property etc. flew end Aug and here we are, both started work 2nd week Sept, all a bit of a whirlwind really but 3rd week here now and loving it all. We are in Kalamunda in the hills above Perth. OH is in environmental health, im in electrical service industry

You will read all sorts of experiences on here about finding jobs and the cost of living, choice in supermarkets etc. for us the job front was the key to when we could fly, soon as 1 of us had some positive response we were going but as it turned out both secured jobs before we left, OH with local authority here me by sending emails with CV to what looked like good companies I found on google Australia, sent normal UK CV got several positive replies, offers from 2 employers, accepted 1 and signed contract from Uk, same for OH, recruitment process here takes longer than UK as they wait for your references to come back from UK employers before they will offer you a job. Workplaces seem much more informal compared to UK offices, its all first names with clients etc not much formality which is different for a few days but is much more relaxed when you get into it, no one seems in much of a hurry for anything which I guess is a lot of the reason for coming, apart from the weather, the relaxed lifestyle etc. Immigration was nothing like on the TV, off plane, stamped passports, sniffed by drugs dog, outside in the sun 40 mins after getting off the plane.

Supermarkets where we are woolworths and coles, prefer woolies, both have far more choice than the Tesco we left behind in the uk, once you stop converting to pounds and remember you get paid $$$ it seems to work out roughly the same for food shopping etc.

Hope this helps a bit


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Any more comments on the Down Under live?

I'm an Aussie planning a move home with my British hubby and our family. I wondered if it would be worth going to give DH an opportunity to scope out some job opportunities etc (he's in mental health). Not looking for sponsorship or anything like that though.


What do you think? Worth going?

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Thanks. We're not bothered where we go (within reason!). We'll go where the work is - which is why I thought it might be worth going to the Expo. Sounds like it could be. We are pretty confident DH will get a PR upfront (he qualifies).


I'm going to the Leeds Down Under Live event on 4th November, there are also events in Birmingham, Glasgow and London (I think Glasgow is this weekend)


I've heard lots of good reports, I can't wait!

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