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Another cost of living post! sorry! Need to know if we can survive

Caz Brady

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I'm confused (no surprise there) why does it?



Well folks on here quote prices of things in Oz, there's two camps, those that like Oz who post one figure, then those that don't like Oz, who quote another figure, almost always a lot higher to scare folk about the cost of living, they soon get caught out, by the former. Your job is to figure out the true costs and then ....... Take into account that the average Australian wage is at least £20,000 more than us lowly paid Brits, who's wages haven't risen since 2007 and then try to make sense of it all, lol


Best of luck.

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I reiterate what has already been said. We are a frugal couple and a $300 buffer would make me nervous. $200 a week buffer would be the minimum buffer and we don't have children. The budget only has to sway slightly which does happen and you would be in trouble if you would only have minimal savings. I love Australia but please don't underestimate the stress of an overseas move particularly if under financial pressure. You can very quickly feel trapped and must always consider how you would manage if a job was lost or if you were unable to find work. What you will find is that unless you have a skill in demand the jobs will normally go to locals first - its just the way it is. Construction has slowed, the mining economy is slowing down which is the backbone of the Australian economy at the moment and miners losing jobs means an influx of more tradespeople looking for work in an already tight industry. Just food for thought really. Good luck with whatever you decide. But if I had the choice again there is no way I would have come over here again with the little money we did. It can be very scary as when you are here you really are on your own.

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My uncle lives in Perth and we would be staying with him first I'm confident enough in DH talents that he'll get a job once employers see what he can do. And I'll get a job somewhere, am qualified beauty and massage therapist, also receptionist and I've worked as a short order cook and a barmaid so I'm bound to find something!

We should have enough to get us started and some contingency. I dont expect it to be easy by any stretch of the imagination

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Hi Caz,

Good for you working out your budget in advance of moving! What I have done is do a spreadsheet for the 1st Month (loads of start up costs, like deposit on house, rent in advance etc) and then did another one for months thereafter. (I would email ya I have though Im sure its not complete!).


Do you need Medical Ins? If you have a permanent visa would you not just sign up for Medicare. (I know some people wouldnt be without insurance, I dont have any, but have been happy with the public care Ive had here in Ireland). Just throwing it out there?


Also maybe not spend so much on car and ute. 18000 is alot to spend in 1st month. You can always upgrade later.

Also when we lived in Perth my hubbys boss use to collect him or he used the train.

Also I have heard of people part financing their vehicle so pay 50% down and finance other, that way you are building up some credit history and your not paying out all your money initially.


I know why you want to move hun!! Im sure your hubby just wants a full time job. Very hard to come by in Ireland for trades.


Cheers Cazmayo

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I did totals by 52 weeks not by months apart from the monthly expenditure of course which i then divided by 4 and multiplied by 52..... please tell me that's right, I've a new born and my head is slightly fried!


More than 4 weeks in a month so for monthly spend times by 12 then divide by 52.


So $500 per month becomes 500x12 =6000 per year 6000divided by 52 = 115.38 per week.


$100 per week becomes $5200 (100x52)per year and $$433.33 (5200/12) per month.


If you do as you did the answer is different.

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