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packing the house up to move in with the out laws!!!!


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Hey poms, we are packing up the house today to move in with the inlaws until january, when we make the big move to oz.not sure if its a good idea or not??!!! unfortunatley our rental agreement ends this month and the owner wants to move back in so we are out on are ear! and as we didnt want to get tied into another contract,so my oh's mum said we can move in there for the last few months untill our visas come through.


On the plus side she said we dont have to pay any rent which means we can save a fair bit more dosh to put in the ozzy fund!! just a bit worried how cramped its gonna bit as we have two little scallys to take with us,so there will be six of us in a 3 bed house.At least its only for a few months.



Anyone else moved in with the inlaws and how did you get on?:eek:

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only stayed with the out laws in Oz and as houses are grotesquely big there it wasn't a drama, more like my own ensuite presidential suite with direct access to a pool, but can see the drama of six people living in a 3 bedroom place... houses in the UK are tiiiiiny. i hope to god you have more than 2 loos?? when we've had visitors stay for weeks on end with us in London the biggest issue was always the loos being occupied and it can be a real nuisance especially if people have a habit of hanging smelly turds :laugh:


my mate's mate is also staying with his outlaws but for a whole year while his houses gets renovated! it's him, mrs, 1 baby and the outlaws. he came home early one day and they asked him "what are you doing here??", sounds like they only offered them a roof over their heads because they felt obliged to.


anyway i'd take it as an experience and getting to know the out laws a bit better and you just got to look at the savings you'll be making. take the oldies out for a few nice meals and all will be well. it'll give you a new sense of appreciating your own personal space when you get to Oz... could also be a good bargaining tool with the mrs, "we stayed with your parents for 5 months so i think i'm allowed to do xyz"...

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Hey poms, we are packing up the house today to move in with the inlaws until january, when we make the big move to oz.not sure if its a good idea or not??!!! unfortunatley our rental agreement ends this month and the owner wants to move back in so we are out on are ear! and as we didnt want to get tied into another contract,so my oh's mum said we can move in there for the last few months untill our visas come through.


On the plus side she said we dont have to pay any rent which means we can save a fair bit more dosh to put in the ozzy fund!! just a bit worried how cramped its gonna bit as we have two little scallys to take with us,so there will be six of us in a 3 bed house.At least its only for a few months.



Anyone else moved in with the inlaws and how did you get on?:eek:


We are in thr exact same situation.. Our lease expires at the end of October so we are moving in with my parents into a 3 bed semi me, my partner a 2 year old and a baby due anyday now..really not looking forward to.it, just keep thinking it's a means to a very awesome end. Think we will be chalking off the days like a prison sentence to be honest!

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We are in thr exact same situation.. Our lease expires at the end of October so we are moving in with my parents into a 3 bed semi me, my partner a 2 year old and a baby due anyday now..really not looking forward to.it, just keep thinking it's a means to a very awesome end. Think we will be chalking off the days like a prison sentence to be honest!


haha nicola.....hopefully it wont be as bad as a prison sentence! lol.Not that i know what a prison sentence is like!! just think of it like us ............at least you will have live in baby sitters for the kids!! hopefully it wont be to stressful for you guys having a baby and moving aswell! good luck :biggrin:

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only stayed with the out laws in Oz and as houses are grotesquely big there it wasn't a drama, more like my own ensuite presidential suite with direct access to a pool, but can see the drama of six people living in a 3 bedroom place... houses in the UK are tiiiiiny. i hope to god you have more than 2 loos?? when we've had visitors stay for weeks on end with us in London the biggest issue was always the loos being occupied and it can be a real nuisance especially if people have a habit of hanging smelly turds :laugh:


my mate's mate is also staying with his outlaws but for a whole year while his houses gets renovated! it's him, mrs, 1 baby and the outlaws. he came home early one day and they asked him "what are you doing here??", sounds like they only offered them a roof over their heads because they felt obliged to.


anyway i'd take it as an experience and getting to know the out laws a bit better and you just got to look at the savings you'll be making. take the oldies out for a few nice meals and all will be well. it'll give you a new sense of appreciating your own personal space when you get to Oz... could also be a good bargaining tool with the mrs, "we stayed with your parents for 5 months so i think i'm allowed to do xyz"...


Good point great dane, should score a few brownie points living with the outlaws.will have to be on my best behaviour!! no more laying on the sofa in my pants drinking beer :biglaugh:

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Good luck bennyblueboy. We lasted one month. Different reason for moving in but moved in with the out laws anyhow. After a month, we (yes OH as well!) started scouring the rental pages and were out within a fortnight. Haha. BUT we did score brownie points for it cos we brought with us their new grandchild and they did not think we moved out in a hurry but because we found a place :)

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Good luck bennyblueboy. We lasted one month. Different reason for moving in but moved in with the out laws anyhow. After a month, we (yes OH as well!) started scouring the rental pages and were out within a fortnight. Haha. BUT we did score brownie points for it cos we brought with us their new grandchild and they did not think we moved out in a hurry but because we found a place :)


Hi savan,thats what im worried about.....what happens if we dont get on? could make things a bit arkward as we are gonna be there for about 4 months,ive got a feeling its gonna be four looooooong months!lol :yes:

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Hey mummy mann,how come the outlaws are moving in with you?? shouldnt it be the other way round?! lol


Long story, but my husbands parents are remarrying after 25yrs since they were divorced. My brother in law is moving into my mother in laws house. My father in law is giving up his rental and they are both starting a fresh in my house, with a view to buying it off us once we decide to settle and buy a house in OZ. To say I am a bit confused by everything is an understatement lol, I just can't wait to get to OZ now so I'm out the way ;0)

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Long story, but my husbands parents are remarrying after 25yrs since they were divorced. My brother in law is moving into my mother in laws house. My father in law is giving up his rental and they are both starting a fresh in my house, with a view to buying it off us once we decide to settle and buy a house in OZ. To say I am a bit confused by everything is an understatement lol, I just can't wait to get to OZ now so I'm out the way ;0)


Err... I think I need to draw this out on a piece of paper cos reading it I can't work it out :D

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Hi savan,thats what im worried about.....what happens if we dont get on? could make things a bit arkward as we are gonna be there for about 4 months,ive got a feeling its gonna be four looooooong months!lol :yes:


It's awhile but at least you know there is an end in sight. Think of the savings, get some DVDs and watch them in your room and develop a need to do a vast amount of research about oz on your computer so you do not have the time to socialise too much. Haha. If all else fails, we are here if you need to scream :)

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It's awhile but at least you know there is an end in sight. Think of the savings, get some DVDs and watch them in your room and develop a need to do a vast amount of research about oz on your computer so you do not have the time to socialise too much. Haha. If all else fails, we are here if you need to scream :)


Haha! i might have to take up yoga to keep the stress levels down!

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I lived with my outlaws for what was supposed to be a few months or so but ended up being two weeks as we could not cope!! Back then I thought they were just annoying, even after the 2 weeks, now I cannot stand them!! However, it is just a massive personality clash so your experience will entirely depend on how you get on. It does't have to be bad.


My Mr lived with me and my parents for 18 months and yes, different generations living together will always be hard but we made it and now he loves them like his own. He has always been more tearful leaving them behind than me. (I have always been the one sitting at the airport comforting him as we leave MY parents behind).


Anyway, it'll be fine and if it doesn't work out you'll work something out. Believe me. x Good luck

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