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Metal fabricator/welder job prospects in Perth?


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Hi Craig


I am using partners post, I am on the verge of going to Perth on a 457 visa through tempo Industry partners they normally recruit in the UK twice a year I had an interview in Feb offered a place in March visa granted May, although it has taken some time since then to secure a placement I am still hoping to be out very soon looking forward to going

It would be worth you checking thier web site as they should be due to recruit again early next year if they are not already, criteria is if they offer a job once you fill in application for visa which industry partners have thier own immigration agent this should not take long but the time it takes to find a placement could take a while initially you have to go for 3 months trial then partner and family are added to visa later, you have to pay for the flight costs and removal costs but IP re-emburse after 15 months, there are many other companies just have to look click on 457 visa jobs or go to a seminar for Oz definately worth a visit take partner with you there is a lot of info at these that will help. Good luck if you try IP let us know how you get on.. There were 27 tradesmen offered work in March on a sponsorship with IP 17 have placements just 10 waiting to go wont be long:biggrin:

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Hi Truchazul


Thanks for your reply I will definatley look into that, what is your trade are you a welder? Did you have to do any test? Good luck with getting a placement soon and hope it all works out for you, please keep me informed how you get on, don't know if the wife will be to happy about me going for 3 moths first might never see me again!! Haha

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My husband is a plater (boilermaker in Oz) and there is no shortage of work for welders/boilermakers in Perth. He had no problems finding work and everywhere is looking for welders. All the agencies have positions available but be aware some places want you to work like a dog (12 x 7) and that is no joke in the summer heat. We arrived when it was 40 odd degrees and my husband thought he was going to die at work lol. Bear in mind the mines are even hotter.......

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Thanks Marine


That is one thing that isn't ideal being a welder in that heat (might be better cleaning pools ) but that is my trade and if it gets me out there with decent work I won't complain, do you find you can manage ok on the wages being paid for a welder? Or would I really need to go to the mines for decent money? Do I search for a company sponsor visa which is less of a gamble as the job is there, or take a gamble go for the skilled 190 visa and fingers crossed for a job on arrival???





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Hi Tids


I am a boilermaker did not have to do any tests I already hold Australian trade recognition papers from living in Brisbane 20 years ago wish I never came back then, due to age I have to use the 457 visa route as there is no age limit. might be worth as you being a welder to check at Australia house the Strand london as to where you can take a test for your license? but I have always been under the impression all your certificates once verified here and once in Oz your trade recognised at the dept of employment then you are free to seek employment anywhere ??

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Thanks Marine


That is one thing that isn't ideal being a welder in that heat (might be better cleaning pools ) but that is my trade and if it gets me out there with decent work I won't complain, do you find you can manage ok on the wages being paid for a welder? Or would I really need to go to the mines for decent money? Do I search for a company sponsor visa which is less of a gamble as the job is there, or take a gamble go for the skilled 190 visa and fingers crossed for a job on arrival???






Hi Craig

I don't know your circumstances but we came out on WA State sponsored visa in January this year as we are both 45. We don't have any dependants as kids have left home and I work full time as well, however we have a far better lifestyle here than in the UK, our income has more than doubled. Have a look on the UK Welders forum as I know my husband got a contact from there and the company were sponsoring welders/platers, was for work in Kalgoorlie though (very good money but wasn't FIFO). I know my husband would say think twice before you come out sponsored by a company as you could be very unhappy for a couple of years, try and get your own visa if possible. We had 4 weeks holiday when we arrived to find our way around and by the 5th week both had jobs.

My husband only lasted 2 days at his first job though, then the following week started working for someone else and has been there ever since. He only works 7am to 3pm (overtime as and when he pleases) and he's happy as a pig in sh*t as by the time I get home from work he's lounging in the garden in his shorts with a beer enjoying the sun lol. Two tips for you though - buy yourself plenty of boxer shorts with the longer leg (1st job he had - after 2 days welding in scorching heat had no skin left on inside of his thighs) and bring your bright orange overalls from the UK. Apparently the overalls here are no good for welding /plating as they are too low in the neck, have plastic poppers and are made for 7ft giants (postage for overalls from the uk not cheap!). Hope this helps!

Good luck on obtaining a visa!

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Hi Marine


Thanks for taking the time to reply to me you have been very helpful, I know what your husband means about the company sponsored visa but my concern about coming on a state sponsor is I will be bringing the wife and two children with me 7 & 4 and coming without a job and a place to live lined up seems a little scary! But it would open up my job options!! Did you use an agent to sort your WA state visa or did you do it alone? And how long did it take?





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Im a time server fabricator like you, I have a 176 visa and we are arriving in Perth on the 31st of December. We have booked a holiday rental for a month so I am hoping we can find something more perm when we get there.

Being time served I did not have any college behind me and I was told that the rules changed last July and after that you would have needed to have served an apprenticeship , Im not 100% on that it is just what one immigration agent told me.

Well after starting this a year and a half ago we have had our visa since April and I will post what the job front is like for us fabricators when we het there.

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Me and a mate arrived here in perth(ater a 5500km drive) on the 14/09/12 after working in mount isa for 2 years as welder and a fabricator, some good experience between us, accommodation is dire when you can get it, and expensive, we have visited over 40 company's all tell the same story "then iron ore price has dropped" you have to go in and register with every agency taking up to 2 hours every time!!! Please don't be put off but don't expect to much, we have all the uk qualifications which is fine but when time are not good like now everybody wants the ARTC, you can apply through TRA website, best of luck i belive all this could change tomorrow.

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