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We were told not to use plastic or vaccumm bags due to the humidity changes en route.. Instead i bought some of the large 'stripey market bags' with zip tops (about 1 pound 99 from the cheapey shops) and packed our stuff into them first. Pillow cases and doona covers also make good bags and save on space.


Cal x

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Guest The Pom Queen

I was in hospital when we moved so hubby had to do all the packing, he just threw everything in boxes or suitcases, even used them to protect pots and plates

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We were told not to use plastic or vaccumm bags due to the humidity changes en route.. Instead i bought some of the large 'stripey market bags' with zip tops (about 1 pound 99 from the cheapey shops) and packed our stuff into them first. Pillow cases and doona covers also make good bags and save on space.


Cal x

the pillow cases yes! good plan as well! is it silly to pack my quilt and a couple of pillows?

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We put everything in ziplock bags and glad we did as everyone we know who didn't then had to rewash everything as it got damp/musty, our stuff arrived fresh and clean as the day we packed it, if there's no air in there it can't be effected by climate changes on the journey.

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Hi, I would just lift them off with the hangers and lie them down in the packing boxes as that is what the packers did with our stuff that I hadn't already taken off hangers!! It was so easy at this end just to lift them out and hang them up. If you want to wash them once here at least then you can do it in your own time. Also it means you will have coat hangers as I had to go and and buy a load to replace the ones I had got rid of!!! :biggrin:

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