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Things are finally happening... at last!


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Hi guys,


Since we made our decision to head to Perth last November, all I've had to do was practice my list making skills. We'll my practice has paid off, and I'm well on my way to crossing things off the bloody thing on a daily basis, and does it feel great? Hell yeah!


The shippers arrive in two weeks, the flights are booked for the 6th October, daughers 6th birthday party planned, our leaving do planned, accountant hired, Real estate people kinda sorted (if they only chose to be as organised as myself), and currently advertising the car for sale.


I had the two kids out the front of the house today selling all the books off the shelf for a €1, they loved it, and kept them busy. They ran into me every time they made a sale. It was good fun for them.


I also discovered vacuum storage bags!!! how wonderful are they? I sucked up a spare double douvet, and voump, it shrunk... does what it says on the packet... still amazed. So I went out and bought eight more from the shop today (only 1.50). I sucked up all the linen & towels then. I couldn't stop. The kids winter jackets were next. It was so much fun. Highly recommend them to everyone.


I've got two book boxes packed.


The kids toys are next, but I'll think I'll save packing those until they're both in school.


The rest of the house is for the packers. I can't wait until they arrive. It will be so real then.


The day I booked the flights I noticed my mood & feelings were all over the place, from high to low. So many mixed feelings flying around our house. The kids are excited so that is a weight off my mind.


I've set our new bank accounts up in Perth, and just have to call into them to activate them on arrival, and I've sorted family & friends to stay with after we arrive. I think my aunty underestimated me slightly... with.... "you sound organised" organised? I'm the queen of organisation!!! :happy_face_cowboy_w

I just have to book the hire car.. arhhhhhhhhhh... :arghh:





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I've had many nights remembering something 'urgent' to add to the list, then worry I'll forget to add it in the morning... oh the sleepless nights!!!


Making a list is always at the top of my list!



You sound just like me !! I love a list :wink:. Good luck with everything!!

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