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Huge changes to WA skills shortage list

Guest Dermo

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Hi Guys,


Does anyone know if the huge reduction of occupations on the WA skills shortage list is only temporary for a month? 80+ occupations were taken off last week frown.gif


I was just about to lodge my nomination application and I noticed that there are no ICT places available.




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Hi Dermo

I was in the process of getting a skills assessment done for my occupation and realised a few days ago, a whole bunch of occupations had been taken off including ICT Customer Support Officer, which was mine.

I'm pretty "in the know" with most immigration info but this is the first time I've considered applying for permanent residency.

If you don't mind me asking, what occupation on WA list are you going for? And what do I have to do to get a skills assessment, I've emailed TRA twice but they've ignored me. I currently have Cert 4 in IT Support and am due to finish IT Diploma in December. However I think I may be able to lodge an EOI only being Cert 4 qualified as ICT Customer Support Officer doesn't neccessarily require a Diploma. Any thoughts?

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Hi, I've been keeping my eye on this one, when you look at their monthly update for August, at the bottom of the list there is an asterix with the sentence 'Please note SWMA reviews availability of occupations on a monthly basis. If an occupation becomes available this will take place on the first working day of each month from 12pm WST'. But, they don't post this information until the 7th of said month.


To me that would indicate that there is a possibility that your occupation may become available again, as they say its a 'monthly' review but I'm no expert, and maybe when its off its off. Hopefully someone else can shed some more light on this one.


I too would be very interested to know the answer, my occupation is still there, but my skills test isn't till end of September, so am hoping next month that one won't be off list when I come to do my EOI hopefully in October.

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There is no easy pathway for my OH's occupation and it has been taken off of WA's list so I doubt that they have filled the quota for this so quickly since the 1 July (big review by all of the states). Also, there are a lot of tradies that have come off, again some of them have high ceilings. We assume (I hope we are right) that they are just trying to ease the amount of requests that they are receiving in the early days until everyone is au fait with the new SkillSelect system. Having said that, they were giving SS out like smarties last year so we kind of thought it would have to come to an end soon.


Good Luck Everyone:biggrin:

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To me that would indicate that there is a possibility that your occupation may become available again, as they say its a 'monthly' review but I'm no expert, and maybe when its off its off. Hopefully someone else can shed some more light on this one.




I had checked the list the last year(july 2011 to about May 2012, so it was not for skillselect one though).

My occupation was cook and it was "not available" begin with, and became "available" after a few months.

Retail pharmacy was off/on the list, a few other occupations joined the list etc etc, some movement happened, but it wasn't every month.


Just keep an eye on the list all the time as well as seeking another visa option like employer sponsored.


Good luck.

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Hi Dermo

I was in the process of getting a skills assessment done for my occupation and realised a few days ago, a whole bunch of occupations had been taken off including ICT Customer Support Officer, which was mine.

I'm pretty "in the know" with most immigration info but this is the first time I've considered applying for permanent residency.

If you don't mind me asking, what occupation on WA list are you going for? And what do I have to do to get a skills assessment, I've emailed TRA twice but they've ignored me. I currently have Cert 4 in IT Support and am due to finish IT Diploma in December. However I think I may be able to lodge an EOI only being Cert 4 qualified as ICT Customer Support Officer doesn't neccessarily require a Diploma. Any thoughts?


Hey Ali,

I am also going for ICT Customer Support Officer,

You will need 3 years experience along with the equivalent to an Australian Diploma including at least 12 months experience in the last 24 months.

This has to be proven by getting written letters from employers detailing exactly what you done in your roles.

If you don't have this then you wont get the positive assessment.


Hope this helps

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Apparently the monthly quota for occupations for the first month was set very low while everyone got used to the new skillselect system.

Things should be back to normal in September

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Apparently the monthly quota for occupations for the first month was set very low while everyone got used to the new skillselect system.

Things should be back to normal in September


Where did you find this info Dermo? If you are right, then it will be a huge relief for everyone and one less thing to worry about.

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Where did you find this info Dermo? If you are right, then it will be a huge relief for everyone and one less thing to worry about.


Well its not gospel but it clearly says on the WA site that it will be reviewed monthly and I got a reply from the TRA saying that the list will be updated early to mid September.

There are threads on forums saying the same also. I guess they had a low quota for the first month so they could easily deal with the new skillselect system.

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Hey Ali,

I am also going for ICT Customer Support Officer,

You will need 3 years experience along with the equivalent to an Australian Diploma including at least 12 months experience in the last 24 months.

This has to be proven by getting written letters from employers detailing exactly what you done in your roles.

If you don't have this then you wont get the positive assessment.


Hope this helps


Without sounding really stupid, Im going to ask anyway....do I have to have actual work experience in IT to even get a skills assessment? I was hoping to avoid having to get this. The impression I got, was as long as I had the qualification, I didn't need work experience as the qualification was an Australian one.


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Ali, I think its worth your while speaking to an agent. Some of them give a free initial assessment, just to find out properly what position you are in. Its worth it just for peace of mind, knowing you have the correct information. At least then you can decide which way to progress.

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Hey Ali,

I am also going for ICT Customer Support Officer,

You will need 3 years experience along with the equivalent to an Australian Diploma including at least 12 months experience in the last 24 months.

This has to be proven by getting written letters from employers detailing exactly what you done in your roles.

If you don't have this then you wont get the positive assessment.


Hope this helps


Ali, I think its worth your while speaking to an agent. Some of them give a free initial assessment, just to find out properly what position you are in. Its worth it just for peace of mind, knowing you have the correct information. At least then you can decide which way to progress.


Yes I think you're right, and I was going to, because this whole thing is frying my brain, but one agent quoted me $600 for an assessment and pathway consultation, which seemed really expensive, or is this about the average price for an agent fee? The 15 mins free phonecall she said I could have wouldn't tell me anything more than I already know as I already know a great deal.


Thank you

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Do you guys know what happen to people who lodged the application for SS before the changes for an occupation that now is no longer available?

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