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Staying in HONG KONG for a few days with Cathay Pacific

Guest gibbon83

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Guest gibbon83



I will be flying to Perth January 2013 and plan on staying in Hong Kong for a few days for 2 reasons. My Dad used to live there as a boy so I've always wanted to go there and plus it will hopefully cushion the blow from the Jetlag.


Firstly has anybody out there stayed in Hong Kong and is there any advice you can offer me?


Also can anybody tell me about the Jetlag?





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We stayed for 3 nights in HK a few years back - probably too long if I'm honest (we're not shopping people), but it was good fun.

There's a giant buddha temple thing which was fab - definitely worth a trip :)


Jetlag isn't too bad really - if you can arrange your flights to land mid afternoon, and then power through until evening and then crash you should be ok the next day. But you will still wake up at d*(&head o'clock for a few days regardless :)

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