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Hi, I hope you get the answer that you are looking for, but I have this feeling that they will have to have the medicals. I think it is because if anything happens to their mother (god forbid), then they would need to be with their Dad, meaning that they would then need to live in Australia. And I suppose once their Dad is an Australian citizen then it would be easy for them to get into Australia too.


I am sure there are people on here that have been in the same situation as you


Good Luck

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Guest homer and marge
HI can anybody help realy worried my husband has 2 children from previous mariage and his ex wiil not agree to medicals for the children dont now if there is away round this

:wubclub:any advice appreciated mel


We are in the same boat as you. My other half's ex want let their child have the meds done but is going to do a letter (or so she says for now) stating this if not we will have to get a solicitor to make her do it. they will also need a cert copy of her passport/driving licence to prove she is who she says she is.


All a pain in the backside so get it altogether NOW. As we told them we have no contact with his ex ages ago (our visa is due anytime now) they called our agent today to say they want this stuff now which is very stressful.


Good luck and hope it goes well



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thanks for replies

marg i have already got a solicitor and he says that we cant make her have the childrens medicals

i was hoping that if she did a sat dec to say she didnt want the children to have meds that would be ok

but doesnt look like it will work you are more along with visa than me if you hear of any other way could you please let me now

thanks all mel

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Guest homer and marge

Our CO has told us the mother needs to write a letter saying she won't allow med for child and also a cert copy of something with her signature on. If she will do this they will accept it.


Marge x

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I think the letter has to be certified and that your ex will have to show their passport or something to the solicitor.. Is it worth saying to your ex's that the reason you are doing this is because if something happened to them you'd be able to care for the children (I realise that for somepeople this won't matter at all), and I assume you're paying for the medicals so they won't be out of pocket.



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Guest homer and marge
hi thanks for replies we would pay for the meds and we have tryed to explain the reasons why they need to have them but she still wont let us



Will she do a letter saying she won't allow the meds? (this is what we have had to do). If not I have been told to get a solicitor to write a letter to her if she still says no way then you have to do a stat dec and send it with proof that a solicitor has also tried.


Its all a big mess when it comes to ex's and as its so common you would think they would allow for that.:arghh:


Good luck keep us updated on how it is going.


Marge x

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