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Which way to go - visa wise???


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How long is it taking for a skilled visa to go through and for an employer sponsored visa to go through. We're totally unsure which way to go. Main applicant being a qualified motor mechanic with 15yrs experience, wife and 2 young children. We want to get to Perth asap.


Also if we did the process ourselves, do we have to use original documents(where do we get these from) or can we download these off the comp from immi.gov.au.

The whole process is so confusing and just to get on the first rung of the ladder with info would help us out loads



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From what you have posted - you need to speak to a Registered Migration Agent.



As for Original Documents??? All applications are lodged online - but you need to be invited to apply if going down GSM.


With the new system is is difficult to put a timeline on how long it will take - as Skills Assessments can take 4 months.


Do you have an employer that is willing to sponsor you??



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