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Been Back 1 Year


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Sometimes find it hard to believe that 1 year has passed since I landed back on these shores.


Some days I think back to how this journey all started.................................


I was one who got carried away on the dream that was 'Australia'...................streets paved with gold and golden tickets..................UK crap and everything was going to be so much better when I landed at the other side of the world.........who needs family and a change is as good as a rest................................I cringe when I read my posts from way back.


I have said before that I had a profession that was in demand so why not up sticks and try this new life!


Australia was not new to me having been there a few times before the big move BUT living there is so much different to holidaying there.


I was lucky in that I already had family based in Oz, so we literally stepped of the plane into the family fold.....................this certainly made things much easier.


I was the major driver in this move to Australia, my OH and our son were dragged along on my crest of the wave - the funny thing is that my OH would dearly love to return to Australia (not that he hates the UK but I think he found his niche in Oz)........at the end up, he wanted to stay in Oz whereas I was hell bent on returning to Scotland come hell or high water.............................he did return with me and our son but will things really be the same?


No-one will really know the outcome of their journey until they arrive - yes, you can research until you are blue in the face and be able to quote facts such as how much rainfall to how many kms you have to travel to work........................but the reality is that you have to be living and working to fully appreciate if it is going to be the life for you.


I could write War and Peace on my journey from start to finish but I think we have heard it all before.


At the end of the day, what is the difference between the UK and Australia - none really apart from the tyranny of distance..................................in my case, this was the nail in my coffin and I suppose the major factor in my return to the UK.


Australia gave me a lot of pleasure as does Scotland.


Suffice to say that I had a good life in Australia - I have a good life in Scotland.............I am healthy (for the time being), I have had the opportunity to experience something that some people can only dream about......................I am happy and content with my lot...................................


I have used this site to gleam information over the years and poured over the MBTTUK when I was in the depths of despair but I have not really been an active participant within the forum so with this, I think in my case it is:-


Over and Out x

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Guest guest30085

Im glad you have found yourself back where you feel you belong, it can sometimes take a massive move to make us realise this.


If it does happen to me when I move over to Oz, and realise that it is not for me, I will come back with my head held high, that at least I tried.


Good luck to you Gillian, its a shame if you feel you dont want to stay on PIO, but hopefully you will pop in at sometime in the future, and let us know how you are x

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Guest Gladbear

I'm also in the process of moving back to sunny Scotland (Airdrie). It's very reassuring to see others not regretting that decision. I hope to be as happy as you are : )

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