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Has anyone moved From WA to melbourne and did it help?


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That strategy could back fire if moving to Melbourne makes your hubby like Australia even more than he does now!


My hubby doesn't want to leave now, so the options are I stick it out in Perth and get uphappier and get to a point where I demand to go home which is getting close and could damage our relationship. or we go with a move to Melbourne and the chance that I love it. If nothing changes I have at least tried which is all my hubby wants

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My hubby doesn't want to leave now, so the options are I stick it out in Perth and get uphappier and get to a point where I demand to go home which is getting close and could damage our relationship. or we go with a move to Melbourne and the chance that I love it. If nothing changes I have at least tried which is all my hubby wants


Good luck. Living on my own, I've never had to worry about someone else's wishes. Oddly enough, I went to see my psychologist yesterday and I was telling him how I'm going to a show and I've got a spare ticket but there's some people I could ask but don't want to. He said 'remember we all have flaws, Dave, including you, and it will be good for you to try and put yourself out for other people.'


I must admit that when my parents were alive, I loved going back to England for a few weeks every couple of years - they loved coming out to OZ too - and eventually, when I was made redundant, I went back for twelve years. I only decided to come back here after my parents passed away when I wanted to be closer to my brother in Sydney. Since I returned to Sydney I no longer have any desire to go to England any more. I don't know why. It's not as if I'm no longer interested in things, English! I still religiously read The Daily Mail on line and all the football news too, and watch all the Pommie shows on UKTV.


I hope it works out for you in Melbourne. I don't know it well but it's about the same size as Sydney and I love living in Sydney. I've got to go out to Penrith in a minute -35 miles away from home and still in the city - just - as it's at the foot of the Blue Mountains. It will be a good dry run for the job I am starting next week. I should get the train instead of driving too.

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I've been in Perth for just over 18 months and have never felt at home here, I'm here with my hubby and we're early 40s with no kids. Perth is a beautiful place but I'm bored here!


We're not into sports or the great outdoors so really here is not for us, everything we try just dissapoints us. I love my music and going to concerts but mosts bands don't come here and the local talent is pretty poor, my social life has become bbqs and the cinema and it's not enough.


I also find Perth a lonely place, on the face of it we have lots of friends but none of them are really in our lives, just group bbqs/activites and it's not for trying! What scares me is that most of the people we know are people I met on here or my hubbys work contacts, the only new people we have met are friends of these people. We've not made any new friends just because you meet and click and stay in touch, we've met new people, exhanged numbers and suggest things and we get fobbbed off!


There's lots more I could say about how I feel but not asking for what people dislike about Perth but more if you have been uphappy here and moved to Melbourne has it helped? I'm a bit scared that some of what is making me unhappy is australia rather than just perth and a move won't help.


My hubby loves Australia but now agrees that Perth doesn't have a lot to offer us, he has suggested a move to Melbourne as a compromise to going home. I'm open to this to at least be willing to try and then if we end up going home I know I have tried, but don't want to put myself through another big move if it won't help!






We are in a very similar situation although older than you. I like Melbourne having been there twice with a move in mind but have still to finally do so. I am not so sure with regards to friendship being really easier than Perth but there is certainly more diversity and a decent city centre of sorts.


I can easily do without Perth beaches and anyway St Kilda will do and besides has a lot else going on as well. Also a better walking city than Perth and more easier to get by without a car which would be great. Hence we would only go for an inner city location as here in Perth.


Melbourne probably better for couples with no children as well. There is a lot to be said for Melbourne. Saying that though if the work situation wasn't so concerning and all being equal we would seriously consider returning to London for a few years ......

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest aberdeenborn1

We are thinking about moving out to Oz on a 175 visa. Having visited freinds in Perth 5 years ago, after 2 weeks we knew we would be bored there after a few months. We were continually offered the 'lifestyle', however, there's only so many days you can sit on the beach or have a bbq before you long for something else to do within a 1000 mile radius! I can also get work in Melbourne, which considering the rain would still be a damn site less, and warmer than here in Scotland! So many people we spoke to couldn't understand why we didn't want to live in Perth!!!

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There are always good shows on, local theatre groups put on some really good shows.


Check out the Regal, concert hall, His Majestys and Burswood to see what's on, loads of community theatre groups stretching from Mandurah to Wanneroo that put on all sorts of stuff


West Australian Ballet put on regular performances


West Australian Opera put on four major operas a year


Several symphony orchestras - the WA one, plus Fremantle, plus couple more. regular concerts.

etc all happens in Melbourne. Lots of nice restaurants,

Hundreds in Perth

small bars in the city.

Lots in Perth

Nice shops

lots in Perth,

lots of good markets to go to on the weekends

lots in Perth

. We belong to the local racing club and go to the races when we feel like it, always a meeting on at the weekend. - can go racing here too - dogs, horses or cars, take your pick.


What did you do in the UK that made you not so bored? Boredom is a frame of mind and if you are bored in one place, then you'll likely be bored in another.

Look at meetup.com

gumtree under community

your local council/library for volunteer or community classes

Polytechnic west for night school classes

BOCs/Ticketek for tickets


I also think coming from an owned house to rented accommodation throws people - not sure if you are in that situation - but if you owned your house in the UK then you were busy decorating and doing DIY - once you are renting then you have nothing to do and that leads to a feeling or boredom.

This and far more available in Melbourne. If not so seeking an aquatic lifestyle and the lack of much better weather doesn't concern one, for things of cultural nature afraid Melbourne way out shoots Perth.

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We are thinking about moving out to Oz on a 175 visa. Having visited freinds in Perth 5 years ago, after 2 weeks we knew we would be bored there after a few months. We were continually offered the 'lifestyle', however, there's only so many days you can sit on the beach or have a bbq before you long for something else to do within a 1000 mile radius! I can also get work in Melbourne, which considering the rain would still be a damn site less, and warmer than here in Scotland! So many people we spoke to couldn't understand why we didn't want to live in Perth!!!


I agree its very boring if your not into sports or the great outdoors, I used to love my beach holidays but unless you can afford to live close to the beach it's not a big part of your life, foor us it's a 30 minute drive, I last went in January! I know one couple who go alot but only because they have to walk the dog and he works from home so easier for him. I'm so over BBQs especially when everyones gone by 9pm! We have now decided to return home, my hubby doesn't think there is enough work for him in Melbourne and if I'm honest with my self my dislike is part perth and part australia so we're best staying put and saving to get home! I think the people who love perth just don't get those that don't, my friends really don't get me but we all have our own needs!

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