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my kids sometimes watch a cartoon about bears living in a treehouse. I had a thought that they would love a real treehouse. We live in an apartment now but we would like a backyard when we move to Australia. I was just wondering if anyone build a treehouse and what your experience was. Neither me nor my husband are very "handy" and I am afraid that safety might be an issue . I tried to google it and it seems really difficult to me:confused:. Anyone here has any tips? Best would be step-by-step instructions, any links you would share?


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Good point, we might just have a tiny palm tree:biggrin:. These structures look like a playgroung equipment , not sure if I would spend so much on something they won`t use in couple of years:huh:. I was thinking more like this: http://www.barbarabutler.com/product/tree%20house/1280103734.html


Yeah that looks good, my link was just the result of a two second google effort, point was mainly that you can have an elevated playhouse without a tree...

you'd need to make sure you weren't breaking any planning rules though...

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In the UK, I just lifted an old wooden pallet out of a skip and nailed it to a tree stump.


Here, all the trees in my back yard are too high for a tree house, and the kids are now at the age where they prefer to sit glued to a screen of one sort or another.


I'd recommend a big trampoline - is there a cartoon that you can get them hooked on that has a character that doesn't stop jumping on a trampoline?

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I think that you would have to be careful with the type of tree. I have seen many eucalyptus trees with branches fallen off after a bit of wind. I think that they are quite brittle. You might also have to be careful with respect to the planning laws etc. We had a tree taken out because it was dead (termites) and had to apply for permission to remove it and then had to plant another tree.

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Guest danicaB

You can make a tree house for your kids as long as it's just low and with the supervision of adults. You can tell them to take caution when climbing the tree house.

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I did not realize there might be a building restriction on that..... hmmmm


LKC, you can`t plant a tree without permission?:eek:

Trampoline - they are already hooked up on that:biggrin:, they have large trampoline at a restaurant that we sometimes go to . My parent have a big backyard ( huge) and I lived in apartments ever since I moved out as 22 years old. I guess I am trying to give my kids the backyard adventure that I remember as a kid:biggrin:. Always when we go back to Europe to visit grandparents they have a blast.

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I think that you would have to be careful with the type of tree. I have seen many eucalyptus trees with branches fallen off after a bit of wind. I think that they are quite brittle. You might also have to be careful with respect to the planning laws etc. We had a tree taken out because it was dead (termites) and had to apply for permission to remove it and then had to plant another tree.



Many australian know that eucalyptus trees have a reputation of being widow makers due to the falling branches, this came about when the men were working around the base of the tree, either witha tractor or plow and the vibration would shake the tress and termite damage would cause the branches to fall on the men............... so please do not build a tree house in a eucalyptus tree as it would be very unsafe

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