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IELTS 12th May


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Resitted today in Modena (Italy) on my third attempt...


What to say...i probably made 5-8 mistakes in Listening section but I should be ok (I just need 7 as English is not my first language).

Reading is the easiest part for me (I got 8 on the first attempt and 9 on the second one)...today I think I made something like 36-38 out of 40, a band 7 should be guaranteed...

Writing...always a trouble for me.. (actually, I got 7 the first time and 6.5 the second one..)...I think I did a great letter (at least for my standard), but I made a couple of big mistakes...'It was very kind of you to host us'...I didn't know the correct form is 'to put somebody up'...and I wrote 'definetely' and not 'definitely'....

Apart from that, I think I made a decent essay...a 7 is not impossible but probably given the previous mistakes I run the risk to fail this time again...:arghh:


Listening is not an issue for me (previously I got 7 and 7.5), the examinator at the end told me I have a good English (this should be translated into a 7 I guess..)...


Well, finger crossed for the next 13 days...good luck to everyone, I hope no further attempt will be necessary...


Ciao a tutti!

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Yes, the general training Reading section...the last one was exactly about the Time Bomb, demography, population, birth rate in UK, etc...

The previous sections were about working shifts, purchasing tickets for an annual festival, several type of markets, etc...

It seems they are using the same paper worldwide...where did you take the exam?

I was in Modena (Italy).


The listening section 4 was about insects and pesticides, first sections were about the conversation about plays, how to get to town from the airport, labelling a map, eyc...


Writing letter on friends coming to visit you and the essay about modern games vs traditional toys...

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Guest scrumpy

Exactly the same test and questions, I took mine in Plymouth , UK, good luck,I need 8 8 8 8, hope you get what you need

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Exactly the same test and questions, I took mine in Plymouth , UK, good luck,I need 8 8 8 8, hope you get what you need


My OH took his in Plymouth yesterday he needs 8s too.. He said the last paragraph of the reading section was awful !!!

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Just did mine in Portland, Oregon. So glad it's over, but wouldn't you know it, am now finding things to stress over, such as whether I rambled too far off topic on the writing (and wrote too much as I seem to have difficulty getting to the point sometimes). I had to leave the test centre and return 5 hours later for the speaking test, and now I'm stressing about whether I followed the correct procedure as I didn't check-in at registration when I returned (I certainly don't recall being instructed to do this, but I should've just asked to put my mind at ease..).


Oh well, no use over thinking it now. I'll just be so bloody annoyed if I have to take it again as that will involve getting on a plane!


Hope everyone gets their 8's (or 7's if you're lucky enough to only need that)!

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did your OH take the Academic or General Training test?

I took GT and the last section of Reading in my opinion was the usual standard of section 4 of the Reading Paper, I think he surely did fine!:cute:






I 'just' need 7s because I can get to 55 points with age, experience and education...but as English is not my first language achieving 7 for me is like getting 9 for you... :biggrin:

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did your OH take the Academic or General Training test?

I took GT and the last section of Reading in my opinion was the usual standard of section 4 of the Reading Paper, I think he surely did fine!:cute:






I 'just' need 7s because I can get to 55 points with age, experience and education...but as English is not my first language achieving 7 for me is like getting 9 for you... :biggrin:


He did the General test, He tends to beat himself up as he is a perfectionist lol He thinks he got only 1 or 2 wrong on the reading but he said the last section with all the figures and statistics did his head in...

He thinks he aced the listening maybe only getting 1 wrong

He is pretty sure he wont get an 8 for the writing as he ran out of time so didnt write a conclusion and he only wrote about 210 words... He spent too long on his letter .

I think he will take this as a practice run we are booking him in for another test on May 27th just in case .

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I did mine yesterday - did academic even though I didn't need to. Must be mental.:goofy: I think I did fine in the listening, reading and speaking, but it seems to be the writing that may have let me down. I only actually need 7's across the board, but was aiming for 8's. It is just really irking me that the writing section is the one area that I let myself down on the most. Especially as I am rarely not writing. Admittedly, I write fiction not persuasive writing, but still, it's still writing. Oh well, only another 12 days to wait to find out the answer.

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did your OH take the Academic or General Training test?

I took GT and the last section of Reading in my opinion was the usual standard of section 4 of the Reading Paper, I think he surely did fine!:cute:






I 'just' need 7s because I can get to 55 points with age, experience and education...but as English is not my first language achieving 7 for me is like getting 9 for you... :biggrin:


Forgive me dredg97, I forgot that there are folks here who aren't native speakers! Well I hope you get at least 7s (or 8s - surely extra points couldn't hurt!). The more I think about it, this test seems so much more about technique (listening/concentration, essay structure, etc,) than English. If there's any one piece of advice I'd give to anyone preparing for it, it would be to focus on your technique!

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Guest peterm2

Hey guys,


I did my second one (G) on Saturday - I found the listening okay (except one bad trap) and the reading also (yes, the last text was a bit tricky) - on my first attempt I got a S 8.5 / L 9 / W 7.5 / R 8.5 but I need 8+ on the writing too for GSM so lets keep fingers crossed. As I non-native I think that IELTS is a very very - actually brutally! - objective LANGUAGE test. It is NOT about knowledge, your accent or where you are from. From my experience, my grammatical knowledge and correct formal English is better than that of highly educated UK friends (Dr Dr) - which is clear since I learned it as a foreign language! But my point here is: IELTS is also a very structured test. And you HAVE to get to know the system. I really wonder about the people's ability to think and develop strategies when they ask questions after the test instructions which clearly indicate that they did not even do ONE practice test. A girl even asked once if she is taking the General or the Academic version!!! WOW!! That is just stupid! If your English is okay, the only thing you have to study in my view is old tests! I did 20 of them now and with this kind of preparation, the reading and listening section should at least be 8.5 if not 9. Again: it is about technique! For example in the second reading section there were texts about shift systems and you had to fill in some key words. The fill in spaces were clearly linked to clearly titled paragraphs and after reading two paragraphs you'd even know in which sentence you would have to look for a specific word. This means that you actually didn't had to read the whole text to get all answers - I was done with the reading in 20 minutes and since I had a lot of time left, I double checked it and everything was alright. So I think it is a common misunderstanding of natives that they think they will rule the test. They won't - without preparation! If you have no clue about the signal words in the writing section or how to look for the information in the reading section you are screwed.


Anyway, I keep my fingers crossed for all of us!



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Forgive me dredg97, I forgot that there are folks here who aren't native speakers! Well I hope you get at least 7s (or 8s - surely extra points couldn't hurt!). The more I think about it, this test seems so much more about technique (listening/concentration, essay structure, etc,) than English. If there's any one piece of advice I'd give to anyone preparing for it, it would be to focus on your technique!



No problem at all cs589!!

Thanks a lot, but 8s frankly is out of my possibilities and I don't deserve it, only in Reading section maybe... so good luck to you and all the people here who sat the last Saturday!!

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My husband sat his test in Liverpool on Saturday (3rd attempt). He thinks he passed the speaking, listening and reading so it is just down to the writing (he is dyselxic) Fingers crossed.! I feel all of your pain having to wait 13 days for results!!!

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Guest ronkhu
Can get the results log in page up but no results and there is a message saying there are problems with results from some test centres


I am getting the same message - I guess the results will be displayed by tomorrow.

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Guest ronkhu

Yippiee -- Results are getting displayed now on the website.


I got an overall of 7.5 though was expecting 8.


Reading 8, Listening 7, Writing 7 and Speaking 7.

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Guest ronkhu
Well done ronkhu :smile:


No results for me yet :frown:


Keep checking buddy - i was also getting the same message some half an hour back but it displayed now.

So you can try again after sometime.


Also, can you let me know if i will also get a softcopy of my result apart from the hardcopy that will be posted.

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