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Ballarat is a city and its a nice place, lots of lovely old houses. Good infrastructure, cold in winter, hot in summer. My brother has a country property near Ballarat and his partner actually works in Ballarat they like it a lot. They have just bought another property in the area and will be permanently based there now.


It has a good hospital, university etc.


Good luck

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My inlaws have lived there all their lives and they seem pretty happy to be there. It's got some nice areas and some less nice areas so cast about a bit. There is good shopping, it's only an hour from Melbourne and the trains are pretty good (a lot of people commute). Good facilities, some great restaurants and an excellent stitching shop (but the fabulous wool shop closed down LOL). It can get VERY cold in winter and I am always caught out by the weather - we had snow on Christmas day one year. It can get VERY hot in summer and until recently was in the grip of a nasty drought although IIRC Lake Wendouree which is at the centre of town now has water in it - it was bone dry a couple of years ago. There are a lot of private schools and the quality of HS is apparently variable (Ballarat High is the best according to the inlaws) so if that is an issue it may give you a clue about where to look for accommodation.

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Thanks Petals and Quoll.

I have heard it does have some areas to avoid, I wonder would either of you know what areas to stay clear from. (you can PM, if preferred).


My kids are very young, 6,4 And 1.

One school I like is in Mt clear which is same area as BAllarat Uni, anyone know about this area or mt pleasant, Mt Helen. Or should we be looking at the other side.


THanks again,

Much appreciated.

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Know this post is a month old, but if you still interetsed in info, we hvae lived here almost 4 years now. The areas of Mt Clear, Mt helen etc are all lovely- I prefer then to the other side, but Ballarat HS is def the best public school to get into(very tight catchment area tho). WE have our kids in Catholic schools tho we not religious at all, but feel its worth it, even tho it leaves us struggling financially :(. If you want any more info, please feel free to inbox me :)

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Hi we too move here in Jan and really like it as the above post says mt Helen an mt clear are both really nice areas about 15 mins out of the centre my kids are 8 5 and 1 and there is lots to do. We have found the people to be very friendly and helpfull since arriving.

We live in ballarat central and really like it.


Good luck let me know if you want more info

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Thanks Chloe and Sahara, its great to get feedback.

Well I am still stuck on those areas, well probably get a better idea when we arrive.

I sending mine to catholic school too, its in Mt. Clear. Really starting to worry about the costs.

Chloe I am going to Pm you... ;-) Thanks

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Hi limeade

i also send mine girls to catholic school they allow you to do different payment plans I have opted for monthly direct debit which is about $113 a month you need to pay student levy fee up front so for both girls that was about $400 and that covers all their books pens etc so you don't need buy them anything else just uniform.

Hope this helps


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