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WA Sponsorship Application - Advice needed re regions


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Hi everyone,


I am waiting for my vetassess letter to come through, so am currently in the process of completing the WA SS form ready for submission. Can anyone, who has recently been granted SS provide some input on the type of responses they put please. I am particularly interested on the regions section. I have heard that you shouldn't list weather/climate as reasons but focus more on job opportunities etc.


Any thoughts?


Thanks ever so..... :biggrin:

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Another couple of questions please anyone:


With regards to the 176 application - my hubby and I have seperate bank accounts, and all bills are in his name - how best can we prove we have an ongoing genuine and continuing relationship?


Also on the application it asks about travels in the last 10 years - we have loads (both holidays and work) and cannot provide exact dates (probably just years until recently) - is this going to be a problem?





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Another couple of questions please anyone:


With regards to the 176 application - my hubby and I have seperate bank accounts, and all bills are in his name - how best can we prove we have an ongoing genuine and continuing relationship?


Also on the application it asks about travels in the last 10 years - we have loads (both holidays and work) and cannot provide exact dates (probably just years until recently) - is this going to be a problem?







Hi Debbie,


Im in the process of filling out visa forms to. What a pain !! I've got the same problem with places you've been over the past 10 years. I've been travelling so them 9 months have taken up the form let alone the others years worth of holidays etc. I would be interested to hear what advice you get. At the moment im putting the year and approx month for old ones ( cant find old passport!) and only putting certain places once as i dont think they want to know i travelled through Thailand 6 times within a few months. Or do they?


As for you continuing relationship, im sure being married as merit in itself. If you dont have accounts/bills in joint names i would write a letter explaining your situation and im sure with family/friends declarations it will be enough.


Good luck ! :smile:

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If you are married the only thing you will be asked to provide is your marriage certificate. (see my photos for copy of our online checkllist.)


As for Form 80 not everyone is asked to fill it in - there for fill it in as best as you can - what they are interested in is over the last 10 years have you spend 12 months or more in a country (this can be lots of short trips) if you have you will require a police check from that country.

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