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I am not an alcoholic or a druggie!!


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I would just like to clear something up with everyone.


After going to see Lesley (The Jonezys) today, she has informed me that my user ID looks as tho I maybe some kind of alcoholic druggie. (Her son did ask). To which as you can imagine we did laugh!!


My user ID is the 1st 2 letters of each of my children (Alex, Cody, Casey) in mel (bourne)!! (Just incase anyone else did wonder)!!


Deb xx


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Deb popped in for coffee this morning, ive been ringing her hubby ever since to come and collect her!!



Might just go outside and thro a blanket over her!!



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Guest Rachel&Stu

Ok, I'm putting my hands up to this one!


I wondered for a long time, why does she call herself Cocain Mel?


Then, the penny dropped, and I figured it was Alcoca In Mel(bourne).


But never could figure the Alcoca bit, especially since I knew your name is Deb:yes:


Anyway, glad you've cleared that up!


Cheers, oops!

Rachel x

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