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  1. I understand that even all these efforts do not guarantee permission to practice law in the UK.
  2. As far as I understand from this article, visa cancellation can happen at any time. And this is done at the discretion of the authorities. Only Australian citizenship guarantees a future in Australia.
  3. ICB is a serious organization. Sometimes all it takes is a threat to contact the ICB to change the situation. Therefore, feel free to ask for a change of specialist.
  4. At £50 a month? That seems ridiculous. They're probably eating some sort of convenience food that's unhealthy. Cod and salmon are expensive. I like fish too, but only once a week, on Sundays. But ask me not to eat meat even for money and I will refuse. And it doesn't come out very cheap, but I don't care how much it costs because I can't do my exercise without meat.
  5. I wouldn't say that the differences are very big. Yes, they are, but not very big. If you compare Australia and Vietnam (or something like that), the differences are more significant.
  6. July is already winding down and there is still no list. When do they usually post it?
  7. I got it, thank you. Also here - https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/visas-for-innovation/global-talent-independent-program/ - it is also written that you need to transfer skills. It is understandable, because that is how specialists are trained. But not everyone knows how to share experience. I'm not saying that he doesn't want to. It's just that he is not a teacher. That is why not everyone has such an opportunity.
  8. Hmmm, you must be very talented at something This kind of visa is not for every person. And how and who determines the degree of talent? Was it some kind of commission or a survey?
  9. Do I understand correctly that if I'm 40 and got a visa and my partner is 50, he just comes along with me with no problem?
  10. Ok, I get it. It's not my situation. I'll keep looking.
  11. Let me ask you this. Was she denied entry even though she is the wife of an Australian? Or she's not a wife, she just has a partner. Can I read the details somewhere? Hi all.
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