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Everything posted by muz068

  1. ABC news should called you for an interview regarding parent visa. You could have presented our case more strongly
  2. Many people got it. The agent have said that even those who got the grant received this email. Hence, I won't be too excited if I receive this email
  3. 103 visa I mean. My parents don't have no further stay condition- however yes they have 12 months in any 18 months. I know of this requirement but my parents don't want to stay here continously
  4. Hi All, I was just wondering is there any advantage of applying 870 visa for my parents? Basically, my parents applied for 143 in June 2018. Recently they have reached tourist visa for 5 years (quite surprisingly as usually that is granted to 804 applicant)
  5. I was expecting 6800 for contributory visas. I am guessing June 2018 will take at least 3 years to process
  6. Congratulations @LindaH27. You might be lucky and get contacted for further info in the coming FY (23-24)
  7. News coming in ---- parent visa has the same quota 8500
  8. *thank onshore parent visa will be scrapped too
  9. @LindaH27 most probably that onshoore parent visa will be scrapped
  10. Yes we will be waiting for your blog
  11. Yes, my oyster concern is how this would impact the numbers in May 2023 budget as we were thinking (or at least I was) that the numbers would go up. However, from the report there is no indication if this will happen. Yes, the lottery system if introduced should give some consideration to existing applications especially those in 2017/18, however not sure how this will happen though
  12. Initially everyone thought it is a good news. However, when the details of the report came out, it came as a surprise! Replacement of permanent visa model with a lottery it will be quite unfair to the existing applicants who have waited for a bit now
  13. @Alan Collett not sure if this is a good news. Permanent migration will be replaced by lottery. It is unfair to existing applicants those waiting since 2017/2018
  14. https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/productivity/report I think you are correct though:-)
  15. The productivity commission report released. No mention of parent at all in the report. How are we suppose to take it? @LindaH27 @Alan Collett
  16. Hey, Sorry, I should have been more clear. I know there is no official announcement yet but based on historical data it has always been split of 80-20. @Alan Collett can shed more light on this
  17. Yes, you are absolutely right. However, I don't expect the allocation to increase in the next 2-3 years. This is because people seem happy to see that the quota jumped from 4k to 8.5K. However, they would understand the reality within few months and then raise their voice once again. Just my two cents- can be wrong
  18. Thanks a lot for sharing this. Sad to see that June 2018 applications will be processed in June 2026.
  19. @paulhand @wrussell @Alan Collett @Steve Elliott What is this true? I always thought if the primary applicant dies for parent visa 143/173, the secondary application alongside primary is withdrawn ? Can you guys please elaborate on this
  20. @paulhand @wrussell What is this true? I always thought if the primary applicant dies for parent visa 143/173, the secondary application alongside primary is withdrawn ? Can you guys please elaborate on this
  21. Haha Paul that is something which is not in my control. This is exactly what I fear! I do not think we can get no further stay condition, please correct me if I am wrong
  22. Hi everyone, I have a wife offshore who would like to come to Australia. I was wondering if subclass 600 sponsored visa is being granted to offshore applicants? If it is possible, then can I apply for her spouse visa once she is in Australia on 600 sponsored visa?
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